OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

I'm never takingmy shirt off again!

Between FF and DS I feel like a hairless mole!

You buggers are bigger, stronger and hairier then I'll ever be. You testosterone FREAKS!
I'm never takingmy shirt off again!

Between FF and DS I feel like a hairless mole!

You buggers are bigger, stronger and hairier then I'll ever be. You testosterone FREAKS!

Personal question.....How old are you? Or atleast an age range? :)

Just wondering due to the 'lack of hair' :p
I'm 22.

Due to being blonde, what little hair I have is nigh on invisible.

Ahh okay fair game, you should be glad you're not a hairy monster at 22 really...Otherwise you'll be Cousin IT by the time your 40 odd :p

I'm 25 and I'm 'blonde-ish' so my arm hair etc isn't major...Just my chest has developed some kind of rebellious black rug thing :o
you can have some of mine as well.

My legs have always been quite hairy but my upper body was ok up until I started lifting weights, with just a bit of hair on my chest.

two years of gym later, the little hair on my chest has grown into a huge rug that's slowly expanding on my shoulders as well. :(
You're like an Asian me about 3-4 years ago! :D
You were still big back then weren't you? I'll take that as a compliment!

p.s My man fur is more exotic than yours :eek::D

I'm never takingmy shirt off again!

Between FF and DS I feel like a hairless mole!

You buggers are bigger, stronger and hairier then I'll ever be. You testosterone FREAKS!
The art of the carpet is one of the most undisclosed topics in the powerlifting world. I will teach you some day young grasshopper.
I'm never takingmy shirt off again!

Between FF and DS I feel like a hairless mole!

You buggers are bigger, stronger and hairier then I'll ever be. You testosterone FREAKS!

Lucky i've not posted pics... might have to shave my back first so as not to scare people. Might finally post before/after pics when i finish my current cut.
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