OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

Freefaller, you look awesome buddy

I still think the bodyfat % you put on yourself is higher than you think. You look far too lean to be mid teens
Thanks mate - coming from you that means a lot! :)

I suppose owing to the fact that the pics aren't very flattering and you being in the know of that you could be right - however, I do carry a little on my back. No fat on my legs or arms or shoulders. Subscapular and supersiliac do carry some unfortunately - as do my obliques.
It's a shame you have no desire to compete.

You've got a fantastic physique already, getting rid of the fur ;) and leaning up further, in a natural show, from looking at heavyweights/higher middleweights, you'd clean up mate, seriously
FF you gayer, egotistical, fat, bloated loser...... :mad:

err.....there's a slight possibility that i'm envious here. :(

Seriously dude, those tri's and abs are fantastic. ;)
Testament that a bigger fella can maintain such a strong and lean core, despite what some big guys say.
I've always struggled with tri's as my elbows are very point and have osteophites (think that's what they're called) which tend to cause pain when doing tri's. Had one operated on....but the guy butchered my elbow and made a right mess.

Kudos to you all.....gives me the inspiration to get back at it.

Dave....looking good dude, especially when you look back to your first pics.
haha - very flattering - but I really have no interest in competing! :p

Besides, getting this chest rug off would be awful, - having waxed my legs for cancer research charity in the past, I don't think I could do it again! :p

I'd probably drop to 85kg or so so I don't know what category I'd be in - but I'd need to get a professional coach - I know a lot of stuff, but for competing I know very little :p

Thanks for the very nice feedback though. Afraid you haven't convinced me on doing it though :p
S'alright, I have a love rug as well and I had it waxed many moons ago along with my legs for charity. Never again. Ever.
Thanks guys - really amazing feedback. :)

I try and practice what I preach - I've never believed in the whole bulk/cut thing - but just training and eating right as a way of life rather than for short term changes.

I was bulkier, but I was given feedback from people I hold close (read girls I like ;)) that I was getting "too big".

I've kept the strength up, once you've got that, if you train properly it'll come back or never go away completely.

It's now my lifestyle, I train hard, I eat well, and I try and live a good life. It's now become natural to me not to eat crap etc... I still crave it from time to time - but hey you've got to enjoy yourself right?! ;)

I've never let anything get in the way of my training or way of life - I like being strong, I like being leaner, and yet still considered "powerful".

It is entirely possible to be big and lean - it just takes a lot of bloody hard work! :D I've been at this for years now, I've spent a lot on learning about how to do this, how the body works and asking a lot of questions!
Thanks MT :)

Generally it'll probably bodyfat - most men tend to store fat below the bellybutton and on the obliques.

However, leg raises and weighted leg raises are good. I do a lot of core-centric compound exercises, like squats, deadlifts to name a few.

You can do sit ups etc.. but unless you have a lower bodyfat percentage it won't really make much of a difference - and sit ups aren't the best ab exercise IMO.

90 degree leg chins work well too but are hard!

DB pull ins are also good for some core development.

I don't do a heck of a lot of ab work if I'm honest. If you get a training partner you can interlock your legs with a medicine ball and do alternative sit ups and throw the ball to one another and control it on the way down.

Static holds are quite good too. Remember it's also just a muscle (believe it or not it's 1 muscle, not 6/8) - so some good resistance work will help develop it.

The only thing you have to be careful of, is too much heavy ab work will generate an unneveness, and could lead to a painful lower back.

Great, thanks for that ff, plenty to get stuck into there.
I was bulkier, but I was given feedback from people I hold close (read girls I like ;)) that I was getting "too big".

Woah FF. You're letting girls dictate how you train? A guy as big as you can't be dominated like that :o

Just joking, the fact that you can take feedback like that, act on it, train hard, and get the desired results is just testament to your determination, skill, and knowledge of your own body. Keep it up buddy :)
FF How tall are you?

Great work all round guys. I'm slowly getting the motivation I need to start my own transformation. Keep saying to myself I'll start tomorrow but it never happens :(

One day I'll kick myself into gear!
FF How tall are you?

Great work all round guys. I'm slowly getting the motivation I need to start my own transformation. Keep saying to myself I'll start tomorrow but it never happens :(

One day I'll kick myself into gear!

read back a few posts for how tall he is :p

And I believe he plays/played rugby

Down to 188lbs, still need to keep on losing bodyfat, lost nearly half a stone since 1st of June

Been doing lots of cardio and lifting weights 3 times a week, leg day/arms,chest day/back day, eating manly protein, with carbs coming from brown rice, pasta, veg.
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