interesting, natty versus not but you have the advantage..... what are your lifts atm, dead last i heard was 210 or so? Squat was 180? bench about 130...thats already 600 aint it? You cheating?
EDIT my maths is so crap just added those numbers up DOH so bout 80kg to go! blimey thats a lot of weight the only thing im close to you on is the dead as i can pull about 190
I have an advantage? How so?
Bench: 140
Squat: 180
DL: 210
Total: 530kg
Haven't done 1RM for a while but that's my current best as of end of Nov.
My target for this time next year is:
Bench: 160+
Squat: 220+
DL: 250+
Total: 630kg +
However to get to 600 short term I'd want:
Bench: 160
Squat: 200
DL: 240
Total: 600kg