OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

Meh, not hard to understand.

He wants to loose fat and not muscle mass...If he theoretically keeps lifting weights the muscle mass won't decrease...

Personally I think people look at scales too often. Just train and do what you want until you look how you want to look :p

if you want to lose bodyfat though diet is key, doesn't matter what you do in the gym if your diet is poor, you will never have a six pack (unless you use some "un natural supplements").
Gym changing rooms have better lighting; :D

if you want to lose bodyfat though diet is key, doesn't matter what you do in the gym if your diet is poor, you will never have a six pack (unless you use some "un natural supplements").

I never mentioned diet, I was presuming he will still eat half decently.

And actually, eating crap and lifting weights is still better than eating crap and not lifting weights ;)


Looking good man
I never mentioned diet, I was presuming he will still eat half decently.

And actually, eating crap and lifting weights is still better than eating crap and not lifting weights ;)


Looking good man

only if your goal is mass building, which his isn't. he wants to lose bodyfat.

building mass = training > all
losing bodyfat = diet > all
only if your goal is mass building, which his isn't. he wants to lose bodyfat.

building mass = training > all
losing bodyfat = diet > all


Again, my previous point was just that, a point. Literally meaning a random person lifting and doing some cardio and eating crap will probably be better off than a person eating crap and sitting on a sofa :p
You guys ready for this.

A rather sorry mess I have left my self get into. Now 8 months out of boxing and weight training has left me with some hard work to do. This is me as of this evening, photos taken to compile a progress diary. Will be getting back to it from Monday, as I have a alcohol fueled weekend of rugby watching ahead of me.



I cant believe how much my mid section has podged up ! :(

Working a lot on my upper chest since my competition by doing a lot of incline work. My chest is a stronger bodypart for me anyway, I think, but wanted to fill out the upper half more. Seems to be working, that line is slowly creeping further up my chest as there is more to seperate :D yay
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Looking great Steedie. :)

You still waxing/shaving your chest or is it really taking that long to grow back?

Like the shoes mate. :D
I've been blessed with a hair free chest, well a small amount but not visible really :D

I am still shaving my arms though, girlfriend thinks it's gay, I just like it because I see more vascularity :(
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