OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

I am still shaving my arms though, girlfriend thinks it's gay, I just like it because I see more vascularity :(


Mine would look great without hair too......but...then Id have to shanve my hands..and back of fingers.....nahhhhhhh LOL
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Afraid so mate!

You'll love it though, especially when you do a good arm/back workout and your forearms are pumped, and you have crazy veins everywhere! Veins that were previously hidden by fur
Cheers mate :) just shows how bad I am with compliments as I read that thinking you were being sarcastic at first :p

Diet is helping a lot to stay a bit leaner even though I am eating in a large excess to put as much size on as I can this year.
Definitely a compliment mate! You can't be much more than what 13-14% there? Hard to tell how much your tensing :p. Pretty impressive really if your properly gorging yourself.
Do you think you'll tail off the bulk at any point, ie if your hit 20% or so? Or are you confident enough now in your cutting diet to just get big for as long as you can?
I'm actually not tensing my abs there :) but yeah I think I'm about 13ish.

I'm hoping to not be below 20% come dieting time, which will put me in a good position. I reckon I was mid to high 20's last time I started dieting
Well here are my photos, I've been training around 7-8 months.

I have got bigger from when I first started but lately I feel like I've hit a standstill, not gaining anything, don't seem to be able to manage to push more weight out, and I feel like I'm getting a belly from trying to bulk (eat eat eat).

Would appreciate some feedback and suggestions on which body part to concentrate on more...



Well here are my photos, I've been training around 7-8 months.

I have got bigger from when I first started but lately I feel like I've hit a standstill, not gaining anything, don't seem to be able to manage to push more weight out, and I feel like I'm getting a belly from trying to bulk (eat eat eat).

Would appreciate some feedback and suggestions on which body part to concentrate on more...




Time to change your routine perhaps? New workouts, new movements to work your muscles?
Yeah lately I've made a list of different exercises for each muscle, do the "main" ones then try and pick another one, something different each time just to vary it up / try new things.
I'm about 5' 9/10", 74kg.

Normal routine is;

Incline dumbell press
Cable flyes
Weighted dips
*sometimes* Decline dumbell press

I'm not able to do bench press because of a recurring shoulder injury.

reads like a pretty perfect chest routine, but your clearly not getting the hypertrophy you need. If i was training you i would switch up your routine to increase volume and decrease rest periods drastically. Failing that i would go the opposite route with short sets of overload eccentrics, cable flyes can be especially beneficial when done in eccentric overload format.
Are you telling me I'm going to have to shave my bloody arms as well! :(

whatever you do don't shave, if your going to remove hair the best way to do it is waxing.

shaving leaves you with stubble, requires more work (constantly having to shave), more irritating (spots, etc), hair growth thickens, smaller hairs start to get bigger, etc.

personally i dont bother doing anything, the hair is fine.
lol ive posted this before many times, but some people still refuse to believe it.

for building mass

training > all

for low bodyfat

diet > all

you could have a six pack by doing zero exercise what so ever so long as your diet is in check, i know someone who has a 6 pack and has done about 3 workouts in the past year and plays football once a month.
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