Looking good chaps, great progress!
What was your diet like when you were bulking previously, Kai?
I think I have a similar body type to yours and have a horrible feeling it will take me a long time to lose the tiny bit of 'podge' I have around the stomach.
Do you mean cutting diet - either way here are both.
Cutting Diet.
7am PhD Pharma Whey
7:15 Porridge Oats & Udo Choice
9:00 Handful of almonds
10:30 chicken breast and steam veg
1:00 chicken breast and steam veg & half sliced sweet potato
4:00 PWO PhD Synergy Iso 7
7:15 PWO PhD Synergy Iso 7
8:00 Chicken breast, Steak or Salmon, steam veg & half sliced sweet potato
10:00pm PhD Pharma Whey
========My bulking diet which is now kicked in is similar but just few things tweeked.=========
7am PhD Pharma Whey
7:15 Porridge Oats & spoon full of honey
8:00 Animal M Stack
9:00 Handful of almonds
10:30 chicken breast or 8oz of Steak (raw), 4 florrets of brocolli and half cup whole grain rice
1:00 chicken breast, 4 florrets of brocolli and half cup whole grain rice
3:00 Handful of almonds & Usn Pure Whey
4:00 PWO PhD Synergy Iso 7
7:15 PWO PhD Synergy Iso 7
8:00 Chicken breast, Steak or white fish, large sweet potato and salad
10:00pm PhD Pharma Whey