OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

22 Aug 2004
I was quite shocked at 2400 as well... looking at your bulk daily that's pretty much what i'm on at the moment for my cut, and i'm tearing my hair out with the cravings.

Yeah i mean the thing is your size isnt really what makes up your calorie needs. If he was a 6 footer with 20% bf and going on a bulk id be more likely to prescribe a 2400 kcal range bulk than on kai. Ive had guys his BF (but less muscular) look for bulking diets and ive had them up almost to 4k kcal before they start to gain.

No way can 2400 be enough there



15 Oct 2007
Kai I thought you would weigh more than 64kg! What was your weight before you cut?

I weigh 63 but am nowhere near your size. :confused: we seem to be similar height too.

weight before cut was 73kg i was strong but podgy for a better word... here is a picture i posted a month or so back, for reference im 5'10

13 Nov 2006
Thinking about it, before I had podge I was around 59kg so I guess if I put on 4kg of muscle rather than fat I would look different (I just wasn't aware it would be that different) I guess each body is different! I think I am around 5'10" too.
17 Dec 2006
Been a long time recovering, i'm finally at the point where doing anything physical doesn't result in a stiff back for 2-3 days. Still get aches for 4-8 hours after but i can live with that. I've just had a friend move in with me and the mrs who is wanting to do some trianing so i have some motivation to go bigger now i have a spotter/rival while i'm in the garage.

The bad news is though that if anything i've gotten smaller again. Gonna be some hard work ahead now. Got the diet planned out a bit better and i'm looking to make some real gains now.

Heres to a good summer, and hopefully not another injury through riding :D

Well, 4 weeks on and i think i'm about back to where i was before my big break. My arms had gone down to just over 13.5" and are now at 14.5" after 4-5 weeks of work.

Chest is back at 41" relaxed and 45-46" tensed/inhaling.

Been focussing on benchpress and tricep extensions mainly. The difference is great, i can't stop looking at my arms :D

Will look at sorting pics again this week.
20 Nov 2002
Opps not good

Been back training for 3 weeks after my Roto-cuff operation about 12 weeks ago. Cannot lift anything heavy with my left shouder so to keep training i use small weights on the left side, ie

Dumbell flat bench 40lb left side 120lb right
Smiths machine flat bench press 10kg left side 70kg right, puts strain on the bearings on the right side so very hard to lift, as it sticks
Flat bench can only do 10 kg a side, need the weight to push down the left arm but to weak to push it up hence the smiths machine.

Been told can take up to a year to heal, going to be fun if thats the case


Been out of heavy training for two years this September and have had four shoulder operations, better to do it this way and only have on side to get big again than stopping and doing both lol


Takes longer to heal when you are old!!!
7 Nov 2004
Ahh man, that really sucks :(...Atleast it is hopefully sorted now though :)

Amazing how you can see the difference though, I just hope my shoulder doesn't get like that, has some niggling, but hopefully by taking it easy I can build everything up around it to keep it strong
20 Nov 2002
Yup think i did it doing bench on a smiths machine, cause my training partner is 68 (but still bloody strong) i had to do heavy lifts 180kgs on the smiths and because of the constrictions of movement i think that injured the roto-cuff.
21 Jun 2006
Yup think i did it doing bench on a smiths machine, cause my training partner is 68 (but still bloody strong) i had to do heavy lifts 180kgs on the smiths and because of the constrictions of movement i think that injured the roto-cuff.

there is a huge difference in size between your right and left delt, is that due to the operation?

i have a niggling shoulder injury too, but it seems to have healed not 100% maybe 90%, im pretty sure it will never be 100% again.
20 Nov 2002
there is a huge difference in size between your right and left delt, is that due to the operation?

i have a niggling shoulder injury too, but it seems to have healed not 100% maybe 90%, im pretty sure it will never be 100% again.

That is just loss of muscle because it aint been trained, operation was all internal , tendon repair and removeing of bone in roto-cuff to make extra room for tendons and cutting of liaments to free shoulder. Funny how both arms have remained same size just lost it of the delts.
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
Whoa zulu that's a big difference!

How is it feeling at the moment?

Honestly, if you're serious about getting full function back you absolutely MUST look into your general shoulder health. You will have damaged it due to pulling/pushing from bad positions; have you had bicep problems too?

Use this website and go through the videos day by day until you learn what really helps your issues. It will be massively boring, but this is the only way to get you back to full function. That isn't an exaggeration.

20 Nov 2002
Hurts like hell same as it has done for 2 years really, funny how each operation gives more fexibility at the expense of strenght. I had two options dont train or train, surgeon reckons tendons need to be under tension to heal properly and you will know when you over doings things, yes the pain lol.
21 Jun 2006
Hurts like hell same as it has done for 2 years really, funny how each operation gives more fexibility at the expense of strenght. I had two options dont train or train, surgeon reckons tendons need to be under tension to heal properly and you will know when you over doings things, yes the pain lol.

if i was in your shoes i would take it easy, no idea what age you are but you have nothing to prove, is it really worth the risk of basically destroying that shoulder. it's your life though do as you please, hope you recover and stay fit and healthy in future.

ive added rotator cuff exercises into my workouts now due to my slight shoulder injury.
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