OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

28 Aug 2011
Glasgow, Scotland
aint got any topless pics as my missus is very sus about her at work and me on the pc flaunting my torso xD to save the hassle i have these for now :p

My fuel (also take ECA 30+ and Creatine tablets)

the stuff from the right hand side of the USN is the wifes BTW :p

i take 2 scoops of this a day and a big tub lasts about 3-4 weeks.....breakfast 4egg white scrambled egg and a half tin of beans,brunch/snack-banana, lunch-something light with a shake and a banana, dinner about 2 bowls of pasta with 2-3 tins of tuna or a big stake, (no carbs after 7pm) and something light......dont eat 2-3 hours before i sleep.


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30 Sep 2005
id love it if you lived here and i could train you m8, just hit that diet hard! I once heard "fat loss isnt a fight its a war!" True'est statement ive ever heard!

Motivation should only be needed to start a new habit.
Discipline should be used to enforce/maintain that habit.

Very few of my mates go to the gym and the ones that do don't do weights. Come this far on my own so going to keep on working out, just put my Ipod on and away I go.
21 Jun 2006
@ haddows 101

not sure if serious.

for a start if your going to post non topless pics, then it's usually best to have tight clothing/revealing a lot of flesh and posing in a manner where we can actually see muscles. (no homo)

what is the point in the 3rd pic?

brb posting a pic of myself trashed in a nightclub where all you can see is my face
28 Aug 2011
Glasgow, Scotland
gotta start workin on my arms again soon, torn ligaments have stopped me from doin proper shoulder and tri/bi workouts....... it feels healed but i have learned about being patient :p

taekwondo for now, with a shedload of cardio, lost almost 2 stone in 9 months.

28 Aug 2011
Glasgow, Scotland
well i was quite big in the past, everytime i seem toget to where i wanna be i get an injury, get pee'd off and binge whilst im waiting to heal(having a chinese wife with a mother n father that owns a takeaway doesnt help lol)

atm im deciding wither or not to put on the wieght which is easier as my metablism is used to gain and i suffer from shin splints so cardio is hard for me to keep me interested as the pain gets really bad.

but for movement in martial arts, more lean and core strength is more suited.... so either suck it up and go hardcore on the cardio/core-high protein/low to no carb diet or back into a protein/high carb diet ..... with ECAs i do lean well and the energy is there but i find it hard keeping interest unless i get the satisfaction of pushing that one extra rep until i crawl home from the gym... if i dont take the ECAs then with no carb intake the 1st 2 weeks is a killer before i start taking a small portion of carbs a day, dangerous yes but it helps....eat a few bananas for the energy if i need to but thats also great for the potassium.
22 Aug 2004
well i was quite big in the past, everytime i seem toget to where i wanna be i get an injury, get pee'd off and binge whilst im waiting to heal(having a chinese wife with a mother n father that owns a takeaway doesnt help lol)

atm im deciding wither or not to put on the wieght which is easier as my metablism is used to gain and i suffer from shin splints so cardio is hard for me to keep me interested as the pain gets really bad.

but for movement in martial arts, more lean and core strength is more suited.... so either suck it up and go hardcore on the cardio/core-high protein/low to no carb diet or back into a protein/high carb diet ..... with ECAs i do lean well and the energy is there but i find it hard keeping interest unless i get the satisfaction of pushing that one extra rep until i crawl home from the gym... if i dont take the ECAs then with no carb intake the 1st 2 weeks is a killer before i start taking a small portion of carbs a day, dangerous yes but it helps....eat a few bananas for the energy if i need to but thats also great for the potassium.

Firstly you are pretty much nowhere m8, you need to pick a direction right now. You are mr average physique, you must either bulk or cut, either will make improvement, but whatever you are doing is not working.

Your supplements are crap.

Now that we have got this out of the way and your probably all annoyed at me, how can we sort this out? Because a mohican by itself aint gonna do squat. Actually lets start there, the squat. You probably dont do that yet so lets see what your leg day looks like shirley and once we get that as a base we can move on to the biceps, delts, back, chest and all the other muscles you want.

Seriously start here and you might get somewhere, otherwise make a snarkey post back to me and stay right where you are now.

Your call
20 Nov 2002
Firstly you are pretty much nowhere m8, you need to pick a direction right now. You are mr average physique, you must either bulk or cut, either will make improvement, but whatever you are doing is not working.

Your supplements are crap.

Now that we have got this out of the way and your probably all annoyed at me, how can we sort this out? Because a mohican by itself aint gonna do squat. Actually lets start there, the squat. You probably dont do that yet so lets see what your leg day looks like shirley and once we get that as a base we can move on to the biceps, delts, back, chest and all the other muscles you want.

Seriously start here and you might get somewhere, otherwise make a snarkey post back to me and stay right where you are now.

Your call
We really have to admire the bulls on youre comments, as you in my book are Mr Average as well unless you can pull a 18inch plus arm (natural etc) out the bag like us oldies, ripping someone to bits in most cases does not give motivation but resentment. I can give you list a mile long from Bodybuilding to Power Lifting to Tri-Athlon completion's results which I have achieved but I would never pull anyone down because of there physic cause you dont there circumstances and how long they have been training. Post more pics of yourself so the bigger peeps can rip you apart.



At 43 i have now gone from Power Lifting to Bodybuilding cause of my shoulder injury this week so over to you for advise.......... and yes CV is on top of my list.
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21 Jun 2006
We really have to admire the bulls on youre comments, as you in my book tou are Mr Average as well unless you can pull a 18inch plus arm (natural etc) out the bag like us oldies, ripping someone to bits in most cases does not give motivation but resentment. I can give you list a mile long from Bodybuilding to Power Lifting to Tri-Athlon completion's results which I have achieved but I would never pull anyone down because of there physic cause you dont there circumstances and how long they have been training. Post more pics of yourself so the bigger peeps can rip you apart.



At 43 i have now gone from Power Lifting to Bodybuilding cause of my shoulder injury this week so over to you for advise.......... and yes CV is on top of my list.


i told him to try and be more positive, but other people said they prefer negativity.

people work differently to different stimulus, negative remarks can have a positive or negative effect and positive remarks always have a good effect.

for example when someone says "oh you look much better/slimmer" i think to myself, damn people think i look better, the gym must be working, i might as well stick at it and try harder because it is working.

rather than, "your still fat, got a long way to go", i would think, why do i even bother?

either he has issues with himself or he actually thinks people need to be treated like dirt in order for them to do something better about it, either way the problem is with him, not us.
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