OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics



18 Oct 2002

I dropped weight to 89kg.

Bored now though so I'm back on the pies and beer at the weekend :p



18 Oct 2002
Long enough that I should look better then I do :D But I have taken time out over the years.

But for the past year and half training very hard. Very strict diet in the week but I like to drink a lot (Polish blood :p) on the weekend and so am carrying a little extra fat on the mid section.

Since coming back from Hong kong (about 10-12 weeks ago) me and my TP switched from our usual style (just go in and lift) to some higher rep work (8-12 reps on everything after the first 5x5 exercise) and the change in my body has been surprisingly pleasant.

and </puts on flame jacket> I haven't really squatted for the last 6-8 months because it hurts my knee (probably mental). Lots of deadlift and assistance work through. (edit: I need to 1RM DL and update the powerlifting table, as I've done up to triples with 200kg now).
15 Jan 2005
I'm sick of cutting! I start a new job on monday which doesn't involve 15km+ of walking a day so I might even be able to actually put some weight on! Gonna have to watch the carbs though so I don't suddenly pack on a load of fat.


11 Apr 2011
Anyone succesculy bulked up as an ectomorph?

I started at 18 5'10 120lbs. 10.5 inch arms.

I bought a program of internet and followed that. Eating 3500-5000kcals per day I got to 160lbs but my waist went from 28 to 36. I also gained no strenght. Therefore I realised I just gained fat.

My diet wasnt that bad. I dont understant this. Is it possible my genetics CANT GAIN MUSCLE????

My workout program was a simple 3 day body part split. so Shoudlve been effective.

Anwyay. I have stripped back down to be lean and am currently

5'10 130lbs. 12 inch arms.

Now I still feel real skinny.

I wanna be at least 145-150. But I dont know what to do because my last bulk just got me fat,

Im defo gonna eat cleaner and less carbs. Aim for no more than 1lb gain per week.

However, I dont know what program is best for an extreme skinny dude like me?

I read contradictory stuff such as.

I am best to do abbreivated training. Perhaps only 2 short workouts per week or even only 1 intense full body to allow lots of rest and recovery.

Then I read I should do full body M-W-F. ectos need high frequency but low volume. so 3 short full body workouts per week.

Anyone succsesfully been as skinny as me and built pure muscle?
13 Dec 2003
Anyone succesculy bulked up as an ectomorph?

I started at 18 5'10 120lbs. 10.5 inch arms.

I bought a program of internet and followed that. Eating 3500-5000kcals per day I got to 160lbs but my waist went from 28 to 36. I also gained no strenght. Therefore I realised I just gained fat.

My diet wasnt that bad. I dont understant this. Is it possible my genetics CANT GAIN MUSCLE????

My workout program was a simple 3 day body part split. so Shoudlve been effective.

Anwyay. I have stripped back down to be lean and am currently

5'10 130lbs. 12 inch arms.

Now I still feel real skinny.

I wanna be at least 145-150. But I dont know what to do because my last bulk just got me fat,

Im defo gonna eat cleaner and less carbs. Aim for no more than 1lb gain per week.

However, I dont know what program is best for an extreme skinny dude like me?

I read contradictory stuff such as.

I am best to do abbreivated training. Perhaps only 2 short workouts per week or even only 1 intense full body to allow lots of rest and recovery.

Then I read I should do full body M-W-F. ectos need high frequency but low volume. so 3 short full body workouts per week.

Anyone succsesfully been as skinny as me and built pure muscle?

when you were eating 3500-5000cals what were you eating? I'd struggle to get anywhere near 5k if i was eating clean.

everyone is different and you've just got to find what works for you but for your diet chicken, fish, eggs, nuts, red meat, veg and wholemeal carbs
3 Oct 2009
Anyone succesculy bulked up as an ectomorph?

I started at 18 5'10 120lbs. 10.5 inch arms.

I bought a program of internet and followed that. Eating 3500-5000kcals per day I got to 160lbs but my waist went from 28 to 36. I also gained no strenght. Therefore I realised I just gained fat.

My diet wasnt that bad. I dont understant this. Is it possible my genetics CANT GAIN MUSCLE????

My workout program was a simple 3 day body part split. so Shoudlve been effective.

Anwyay. I have stripped back down to be lean and am currently

5'10 130lbs. 12 inch arms.

Now I still feel real skinny.

I wanna be at least 145-150. But I dont know what to do because my last bulk just got me fat,

Im defo gonna eat cleaner and less carbs. Aim for no more than 1lb gain per week.

However, I dont know what program is best for an extreme skinny dude like me?

In progress but yes; 5'11 145lb -> 175lb. 1 year of lifting properly with a reasonable diet.

Theres no way you would have been needing that many calories unless you were doing some serious exercise. Read steedies sticky at the top to get a better idea of how much and what you should be eating.

My program was a 3 day split but you could look into stronglifts 5x5 or another split.
22 Aug 2004
Anyone succesculy bulked up as an ectomorph?

I started at 18 5'10 120lbs. 10.5 inch arms.

I bought a program of internet and followed that. Eating 3500-5000kcals per day I got to 160lbs but my waist went from 28 to 36. I also gained no strenght. Therefore I realised I just gained fat.

My diet wasnt that bad. I dont understant this. Is it possible my genetics CANT GAIN MUSCLE????

My workout program was a simple 3 day body part split. so Shoudlve been effective.

Anwyay. I have stripped back down to be lean and am currently

5'10 130lbs. 12 inch arms.

Now I still feel real skinny.

I wanna be at least 145-150. But I dont know what to do because my last bulk just got me fat,

Im defo gonna eat cleaner and less carbs. Aim for no more than 1lb gain per week.

However, I dont know what program is best for an extreme skinny dude like me?

I read contradictory stuff such as.

I am best to do abbreivated training. Perhaps only 2 short workouts per week or even only 1 intense full body to allow lots of rest and recovery.

Then I read I should do full body M-W-F. ectos need high frequency but low volume. so 3 short full body workouts per week.

Anyone succsesfully been as skinny as me and built pure muscle?

In theory anyone can bulk its cals vs metabolism.

But im afraid truth be told without needle assistance many ecto's just cant, i watched a documentary where they took a bunch of ectos and monitored them as they ate 10k cals per day, many of them were being sick all the time literally having to force food down. Whilst most gained some weight it was negligible and some, even at 10k cals, gained nothing at all.

I was shocked as i truly believed that it was always just a case of eat more (it usually is) but not in every case.
Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
In theory anyone can bulk its cals vs metabolism.

But im afraid truth be told without needle assistance many ecto's just cant, i watched a documentary where they took a bunch of ectos and monitored them as they ate 10k cals per day, many of them were being sick all the time literally having to force food down. Whilst most gained some weight it was negligible and some, even at 10k cals, gained nothing at all.

I was shocked as i truly believed that it was always just a case of eat more (it usually is) but not in every case.
Do you have a name for the documentary mate? sounds like an interesting watch
22 Aug 2004
im trying to figure it out m8 it was about body fat in general, they had a bit on an obese guy who they put in hospitalised care for 18months during which time he ate NO FOOD AT ALL, unbvelievable study he survived just fine nearly 2 years without eating from about 36stone start weight.

ill start googling im pretty sure was bbc maybe horizon something like "why are some people skinny?"
11 Apr 2011
when you were eating 3500-5000cals what were you eating? I'd struggle to get anywhere near 5k if i was eating clean.

everyone is different and you've just got to find what works for you but for your diet chicken, fish, eggs, nuts, red meat, veg and wholemeal carbs

My diet was like this:

meal 1:
glass of milk
glass of fruit juice
protein shake+flaxed oil
2 toast

meal 2:
tuna sandwhich
glass milk

meal 3:
4 eggs
2 toast
glass milk

post workout:
50-100g carb drink
50g whey protein

meal 4:
200-300g chicken
glass milk

meal 5:
can off beans or pasta

meal 6:
whey shake
flaxeed oil

However I get real bad acne and this diet made it insane so now I eat real clean.

My current diet has no proccessed food and low in carbs, grains and dairys. Its like caveman diet..no acne,no fat but hard to get calories.

10 egg omlette
2 big whey protein/fat shakes with full fat cream, coconut oil, olive oil
300g chicken lots off olive oil, veggies, butter. cream.
some carbs toast etc...
tuna+loads olive oil etc..
11 Apr 2011
In theory anyone can bulk its cals vs metabolism.

But im afraid truth be told without needle assistance many ecto's just cant, i watched a documentary where they took a bunch of ectos and monitored them as they ate 10k cals per day, many of them were being sick all the time literally having to force food down. Whilst most gained some weight it was negligible and some, even at 10k cals, gained nothing at all.

I was shocked as i truly believed that it was always just a case of eat more (it usually is) but not in every case.

so maybe it is just ''genetically'' very dificult for my body to gain muscle regardless of calories...I look like a boy or girl lol.

however, i have got really strong but gained little mass.

Example, when I bulked up on 3500+kcals I gained no strenght.

However, in the last few months I have had the following strenght gains with minimal muslce mass gains.

chin ups- 1 at boyweight......7 with 10kg weighted plate
pull ups- couldnt do 1..........5 with 10kg weighted plate
bar dips-0..........................15 with 10kg weighted plate
Military press- 27.5kg 1rm..............42.5kg 1RM

Thats just an example of my strenght increases but depsite these gains I have not gained much muscle at all.....well probably 0.5 inch muscle on my arms.
22 Aug 2004
you arent really moving a lot of weight in those exercises tho m8, no offence or anything what i mean is that bodyweight stuff, even weighted isnt the same as lifting heavy. For example show me someone who deadlifts 200kg+ who is small? Its the big compound exercises that stimulates all the correct hormones and growth factors in the body.

Perhaps you could stick to a 3-4k cal diet and focus on building up a big squat/bench/deadlift/oh press.
11 Apr 2011
you arent really moving a lot of weight in those exercises tho m8, no offence or anything what i mean is that bodyweight stuff, even weighted isnt the same as lifting heavy. For example show me someone who deadlifts 200kg+ who is small? Its the big compound exercises that stimulates all the correct hormones and growth factors in the body.

Perhaps you could stick to a 3-4k cal diet and focus on building up a big squat/bench/deadlift/oh press.

I think contraie.

I mean pull ups +10kg are 70kg its still a lot off weight even pull is bodyweight.

So relative to my bodyweight I am maxing like 1.25 my bodyweight.

Most people adn my freinds cant do 1 pull up.

Now as for military press. I am now doing nearly 45kg for 1rm consdierign I weigh 60kg that is quite a lot. I can outlift my cousin on every exercise and he is my height but 12 stone, black nigerian guy and solid looking. My other cousin same hieght 11.5 stone martial art fighter I outlfit him as well.

I do deadlifts...but only like 80kg for 5 reps last time.

Sqauts I had 95kg 1RM.

I got my bench to like 75kg max but havent done for ages as I do dips instead as I dont have a bench no more.

I was barbell rowing like 57.5kg for 12 reps also.

Basically I oulift all my bigger freinds 5'10-6ft 11.5-14 stone. They dont work out with weights but they are fit guys and play sports.

So im outlfiting guys that are 2-4 stone bigger than me.

Albeit I have like 10% bodyfat they may be 15-20%.
11 Apr 2011
Im prob like this Neymar dude.

He is like 5'9 130lbs or so...


Dunno how he can do so well at pro game being that skinny. Then again hes all about skill and flair and ''divivng'' lol...I can play like that too and size isnt that essential for football in some positions though Id prefer to be like Crisstiano ronaldo size

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22 Aug 2004
your way off m8 its not about the weight your moving its about how your body responds to the weight, the body does not respond as strongly to bodyweight exercises as it does to large compound movements.

You want to be looking to barbell row your own bodyweight, overhead press your bodyweight, squat 150% and deadlift 200%, bench press you definately want to be hitting 100kg for reps.

This is more than reasonable my brother is naturally skinny but with a fairly mesomorph shape, he hit all these targets within a year of training on a 3k cal diet, he has gained from 69kg to 75kg at about the same bodyfat.

I just dont know what your expecting to get, other than stronger, from this bodyweight program. No good for putting on mass imo
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