I'm sorry. I really struggle to understand how you can be so far in the red at uni. I know a guy who managed to sink £600 in freshers week last year. But apart from that, most people who go out, manage to spend under £20 a week on a night out, and it is perfectly possible to do it on under 10 if you pay attention. It's plenty affordable. The few people I know with that much debt are those who drink ridiculously excessively, and those are the ones that have probably put on half a stone of weight since coming to uni due to alcohol. And having seen them going out, they really don't need anywhere near that much alcohol to have a good time.
What? That's the dangers of not having the full story mate. What if I was to say that I still have not received student finance? Does that change the story somewhat?
Also, £10 on a night out is very unrealistic for down the south east in Brighton. Don't get me wrong, I've never been the sort of chap to go to a club sober and order expensive drinks alnight, quite the opposite in fact. I drink heavily before I go out (whisky/vodka) to ensure that I buy just a couple of drinks to keep me "drunk" through the clubbing. Pubs are different.
Also, spending £10/£20 a week? Fine if you only go out once a week, but c'mon how often does that really work out? Clubs yeah, maybe once/twice a week, but then you've got pubs and general social drinking on top.
Fact is that I spend SUBSTANTIALLY less money than my peers. (Okay helped by the fact I don't snort coke/mdma, smoke weed).
I know it sounds excessive, but the simple fact of the matter is that I'm going to be in university once, and thats it. I've had two fun years and I'm 1/3 of the way through my last year. After that I've got all the time in the world to be a completely responsible adult.