OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics


Good base to start from there and as Disco Boy said your probably doing far too much cardio but you have a reason for it. Try and cut down on it though and maybe spend the time lifting weights instead and get yourself on a program so you have structure in your training as well. Will make things easier hopefully.

You've done well to get to the weight you are as well, I can't imagine for one minute even without the cardio you'd get back to the way you were.

May be worth making a post in the gym rats thread as well for some advice regarding a plan to follow in terms of weight lifting and if needed/wanted some diet advice as well.

Were all here to learn and help where we can mate.

Good Luck :D

Sounds like you have had a few ups and downs along the way and dropping and gaining that sort of weight (Fat or other) is mind boggling to me.

You have done a tremendous job though! and going by your current physique I would safely say you are on the right track and in control of things.
Thanks for the comments guys, its just very hard as when I look at myself I just see a very flabby fat person...... Its a lot better since I had my Tummy Tuck but still not good.
Hey Guys,

Thought I would post as I'm not a bodybuilder but am aiming to build some muscle :).

Long story short.....

20 Years Old = 21 Stone
21 Years Old = 10 Stone
24 Years Old = Anorexia = 8.9 Stone
24 Years Old 10 Months - Try and change and fix things
25 Years Old = 10 Stone
February 2012 = 10 Stone 5lbs - Start to focus on putting on muscle
Now = Still going Strong but struggling with my mind fighting the Fat thought every step of the way..... lol.

Here are my Picks

8Stone 9.....

Now (Unknown Weight as I don't weight)

Now its very hard for me to put on muscle as I do a lot! of cardio every day and I mean a lot lol, so I eat a lot but as I said right now its a struggle to fight the bad thoughts.

So I thought posting in here might just give me encouragement to see my progress in pics :).

Thanks Guys.

congratulations. you can do "anything"if you put your mind to it. ;)
Lots of Cardio...... Anorexia...... Habit..... Must to do it to keep me sane right now.

All part of the process mate.

Lifting weights burns a serious amount of calories. Do a routine where you are doing 3x8 or 3x12 and you will get a serious sweat on, especially with deadlifts and squats I find!
Hey Guys,

Thought I would post as I'm not a bodybuilder but am aiming to build some muscle :).

Long story short.....

20 Years Old = 21 Stone
21 Years Old = 10 Stone
24 Years Old = Anorexia = 8.9 Stone
24 Years Old 10 Months - Try and change and fix things
25 Years Old = 10 Stone
February 2012 = 10 Stone 5lbs - Start to focus on putting on muscle
Now = Still going Strong but struggling with my mind fighting the Fat thought every step of the way..... lol.


Looking so much better and healthier - keep at it.
Mate you went from 21 stone to 10 stone in a year... I think you're capable of anything you'll be looking great if you put the effort into it and eat the right amounts.
Thanks for the comments guys, its just very hard as when I look at myself I just see a very flabby fat person...... Its a lot better since I had my Tummy Tuck but still not good.

I've been there chap, eventually snapped myself out of it and I look a lot healthier now really :)

As said, you are not fat, at all, if you want to gain some muscle mass as has already been said, post up in the Gym Ratz thread and ask for a simple clean 3 day split routine or something, get a nice diet down, and do things steadily.

It will be a case of keeping your mind under control really :)
Hey Guys,

Thought I would post as I'm not a bodybuilder but am aiming to build some muscle :).

Long story short.....

20 Years Old = 21 Stone
21 Years Old = 10 Stone
24 Years Old = Anorexia = 8.9 Stone
24 Years Old 10 Months - Try and change and fix things
25 Years Old = 10 Stone
February 2012 = 10 Stone 5lbs - Start to focus on putting on muscle
Now = Still going Strong but struggling with my mind fighting the Fat thought every step of the way..... lol.

Here are my Picks

8Stone 9.....
Now (Unknown Weight as I don't weight)
Now its very hard for me to put on muscle as I do a lot! of cardio every day and I mean a lot lol, so I eat a lot but as I said right now its a struggle to fight the bad thoughts.

So I thought posting in here might just give me encouragement to see my progress in pics :).

Thanks Guys.[/QUOTE]

Do you have any pics of when you where overweight?

Don't be scared of putting weight back on, you have already proved to yourself you can lose it if you need to :) Get fat and start lifting :)
Thanks for the comments guys, its just very hard as when I look at myself I just see a very flabby fat person...... Its a lot better since I had my Tummy Tuck but still not good.

Great job mate!

Some people perceive themselves as looking far worse than they look - bodybuilders do this often when they see that they are skinnier than they actually are.

You are definitely not flabby, so don't worry about it. Post in the gymrats post or open a topic with training log/suggestions and people will be happy to help you put together a muscle building program together with the appropriate diet.

While doing cardio is generally good for you doing lots of it combined with an inappropriate diet doesn't do well for your muscle mass and consequently overall appearance.
Am I the only one who has an inflated view of my physique? Or at least I did until yesterday, pictures of myself made me feel much differently about how I look than just looking in the mirror... Ironically the pictures were taken in the same mirror...
I believe he's had a tummy tuck...Presumably due to the weight loss

Correct, hence the big scare from left to right on my stomach, some requested before pics, i deleted most of them in a spur of anger during my anorexia problems lol but some still are around on various internet forums here are a few. None from the start of the weight loss but luckily had a wedding only 4 weeks after I started....

44" Waist......



The tummy tuck was a great thing to have done best 7k I ever spent lol, if anyone has any questions on that please do ask!
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