OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

Wouldn't go that far mate, there's some big boys on here :D

I'm not looking to get too big though, so it's entirely relative to what you're after I suppose.
We are about the same weight, I would have though I was heavier. U are looking a bit freaky yourself m8.;)

Heh, i've got 3ish inches on you though mate so as long as your bf% isn't too high, which it doesn't look in the pictures, then you are indeed bigger :) Keep it up!

AmDaMan: Chests looking full there mate
Been trying to eat more (and the protein you can see in the back :D), put about 2-3kg on since my last pic (although it fluctuates a lot)


Good work fella, looking great.

One questions though: whats with the pink phone?
wow cheers for the comments chaps. maybe the light is flattering me lol.

i feel my arms are lacking though, oh and i never do abs :p

the phone is a samsung omnia in white! just takes crap pics.
Looking buff dude.

However some pointers from me (if you feel my opinion counts. :)):

Shoulders need some work the seem underpowered vs your chest.
Arms need more size, in particular forearms.
Trunk looks thick but lacking definition - but like me you're not an abs man, but they should still be visible.

No pic of back or legs so can't tell about those, but traps look ok.

Some great development and work there. :)

hi mate, I agree with all the pointers. Shoulders just seem to be the slowest area of development even though I do quite a few exercises on shoulder day;

Dumbell SP
Smith SP
Reverse Fly
Front Raises
and a few raises on cables

I don't actually do any exercises on my forarms, what do you suggest? I have started doing biceps again though and hit tri's hard on chest day.

Yeah I really don't see the obsession with abs, not really after that but I have started doing some core work rather than using the ab machine. Legs are underdeveloped at the moment but I put squatting into the mix quite a lot now and i'm noticing the difference.

Not sure on stats, i'll get some and post back. I'm 5'7 so they won't be anything special.

cheers for the pointers, that's what i'm after :)
Ditch the front raises as they're covered by DB/bench press work and inclines anyway.

Side lateral raises with cables are awesome, slow controlled movements work best.

Stand Military press or push press work well for caning the shoulders.

Arnies are worth while but do them without the backrest for more core/strength development, with the backrest for more isolation but less "form" if you see what I mean.

Don't bother with behind the neck press.

Powercleans are also IMO vital for soem decent shape.

Bent over lateral raises are good. Again as the other exercises, light with high volume. 5 sets minimum and 10 reps minimum.

I'd do tri's on a back day personally but that's your call. :)

How's your back development?

5'7" - short arse :p So that's going to make you look even stockier (git :() - problem with being 6'1" is that to look "powerful" you have to pack on so much more muscle before you even start to look stocky.

Do not neglect your legs. You will limit your development as your body likes symmetry/balance.

Forearms come with just heavy deadlifts, powercleans, BORs and heavy compound exercises providing you don't use straps! You can do rever ez bar curls which hit the forearms and DB or BB flexion exercises - look up forearm exercises on t-nation, they have some good ones. :)

Certainly some good gains though - well done. I hope you didn't perceive my post as negative!
I'm posting some pics for three reasons:
1)to give you guys a chuckle at how I'm a weak ginger tubster
2)to give myself motivation
3) to keep track of my gains

so, with that in mind, here goes.
I'm 6" and weigh 76kg







Plan is to bulk to around 85kg, then cut this summer to be as lean as possible.

I'm a bit disappointed with how my legs look, I thought that the look better than that, but the camera doesn't lie I guess.
You're not going to be able to bulk to that by Summer, well muscle anyway, especially if you're planning to cut as well

You need to bulk for at least a year really, if you bulk for just a few months, a lot of the gains you make will just be lost when you cut

But that's no reason for you not to go ahead and bulk up mate. Just make sure you're not eating too much over your maintenance calorie level, aim for 500 calories over, and that should see about a half pound gain a week, which will be minimal fat as long as its decent food and you're working hard with a bit of cardio in there
You're not going to be able to bulk to that by Summer, well muscle anyway, especially if you're planning to cut as well

You need to bulk for at least a year really, if you bulk for just a few months, a lot of the gains you make will just be lost when you cut


You won't need to cut for a while.
Two things I noticed about those pictures Benjamin.

You're very Ginger and you seem to have a camel toe :/
Woohoo theres a puny fella like me!.

i think i need to take some pics of myself as motivation too!
I plan on cutting this summer 'cause I need to shift some fat, and summer is the ideal time to do it, especially as I might be going on a cycling holiday on the continent, so preparing for, and doing, that will shift a lot of flab. 85kg was picked out of this air, but if after the summer I'm stronger than I am now, and lower body fat, then I'm happy. I'm not aiming to be big, just trim.

Two things I noticed about those pictures Benjamin.

You're very Ginger and you seem to have a camel toe :/
I am very ginger, and that isn't a camel toe, it's the seam on my boxers :p

Woohoo theres a puny fella like me!.

i think i need to take some pics of myself as motivation too!

hoorah for skinny guys. get some pics up to take the heat off me :p
Firstly well done Ben for making the decision to post a pic. It's never easy and always a bit daunting. Good on you.

You do have a lot of work to do, but I've seen you reading and replying to the threads, so I'm sure you know what you need to do.

You need to clearly eat a LOT more, and hit the gym and some sports a LOT more. I think it's entirely feasible for you to gain the 30 or so pounds you're after. HOWEVER, you are small framed and by the looks of things much more of an ectomorph - don't fret Brad Pitt is also an ectomorph!! ;)

You can do it but you just need to be ready to sweat blood and bleed tears. Are you up for the challenge?
Firstly well done Ben for making the decision to post a pic. It's never easy and always a bit daunting. Good on you.

You do have a lot of work to do, but I've seen you reading and replying to the threads, so I'm sure you know what you need to do.

You need to clearly eat a LOT more, and hit the gym and some sports a LOT more. I think it's entirely feasible for you to gain the 30 or so pounds you're after. HOWEVER, you are small framed and by the looks of things much more of an ectomorph - don't fret Brad Pitt is also an ectomorph!! ;)

You can do it but you just need to be ready to sweat blood and bleed tears. Are you up for the challenge?

Eating a lot isn't going to be the problem, before Christmas I was 72kg, and I put on 3kg over the holidays from inactivity. The issue is going to be eating clean. I really love snacking, which is ideal to bulk, I just need to make sure that what I have around me is decent food and not crap.

What I'm aiming for is to be more like Brad Pitt (I know, who isn't? :p) what I mean by that is that I want to get really lean and defined.

I've started really hitting the gym this holidays and I'm really enjoying it. I don't know what the free weights room is like at uni, but I'm hoping it's as well equipped as my gym at home.

As for playing sports, I used to play a lot of hockey, but I stopped when I got to uni, but I am getting 2 miles on a bike each way to uni every day (and the way back is one of Bristol's lovely big steep hills) so I have some cardio in there. Once I finish term (june 19th) I'll be back home, and I'm gonna get a bike for some long rides to start trimming down. Trimming is going to be harder because I'm such a glutton, I'm un-decided as to whether to get loads of low cal snacks in, or to try a keto diet. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it though I guess.

I'm always up for a challenge :D
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