OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

Ok I thought I would post a picture of my progress....


A bike accident 3 years ago got me motivated to get fit and change my body, it took 2 years to recover really from the accident and I have been going to the gym about a year, but only taking it seriously the last 6 months, I need to dig out some before photos, but I was seriously skinny, Freefaller will know what I used to look like from previous meets.
I am happy with my progress so far, currently around 80kg, 6'1.

Cue 'Do you even lift...' :p
Tom you're a beast, i really dont understand how your arms are so thick from shoulder down its a real weird genetic makeup, but nothing wrong with it, great progress m8.

Delvis - Solid progress not a lot to comment on tho you understand, i mean some progress sure but nothing to get excited about just keep plugging away and for gods sake eat i dont care if you have to steal chickens just eat dammit.
Oh i know, not loads of progress, been cutting for a fair while :) getting down to 80kgs then seeing where to go from there :) last bulk gained me too much fat for my liking.

I am eating though buddy rest assured ;) im back to the same weight i was a year or so ago but looking better than previously. Onwards and upwards
Tom you're a beast, i really dont understand how your arms are so thick from shoulder down its a real weird genetic makeup, but nothing wrong with it, great progress m8.

Delvis - Solid progress not a lot to comment on tho you understand, i mean some progress sure but nothing to get excited about just keep plugging away and for gods sake eat i dont care if you have to steal chickens just eat dammit.

Cheers mate, still feeling far too chunky at the minute though really need to get my head back in the game and strip some fat.
It also seems like the problems I've had with my shoulders mean my left one slopes funny compared to my right.

Looking good Delvis you definitely look like you're leaning up nicely.
Nice progress mate. How much more do you want to lose?

Looking good for 8 weeks off!

Do you do much mobility stuff on your shoulders?

Absolutely none, it's something I always think I should be doing but I've just never started.
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