OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

The yellow jersey reference is because from what I know you cycle your steroid usage. Cycling, getting on the bike, going on a tour etc I am sure you get it.

I don't see why he can't be natural, he isn't hull big, he is just extremely lean. I would imagine ice and LiE would look very similar if they both leaned down to sub 8% bf.

it just comes back to what i said, he is either top teir or top half. Thats all there is to it, at that level of BF and size, unless he is a midget, he is either a genius hardcore natural lifter with a lot of time under his belt, or he is a decent lifter with a decent diet who uses.
The yellow jersey reference is because from what I know you cycle your steroid usage. Cycling, getting on the bike, going on a tour etc I am sure you get it.

I don't see why he can't be natural, he isn't hull big, he is just extremely lean. I would imagine ice and LiE would look very similar if they both leaned down to sub 8% bf.
...and put on 5-6kg of muscle!

...and have any mass whatsoever on my arms! <--this one is not a problem for Lie, as he is a bicep monkey.
I would make a big assumption here but he doesn't look like the youngest of chaps. Early 30's maybe (I could be way wrong here) but I am guessing he has many years of gym experience and so I am not suprised that he would look like that. I would be disappointed if I didn't look similar in 5-7 years time.
^^ This

Well lets put it this way, as impressive as LiEs back is, and it's awesome, his would not look that good at that bodyfat percentage. And he's been training a lot longer than 5 years.

Either he is extremely blessed with god like genetics, or he's at least dabbled with dat sauce at some point.

Either way, you know my view on gear, so I find his back extremely impressive, gear or not, it took a lot of work to get that


LiE has trained for 8 years, the differences to the average joe will not appear massive and both are impressive, except one is fully tended and probably just after a session along with some decent colour, while the other is relaxed.

There is nothing wrong with having aspirations and to get "close" to that is not impossible.
In 7 years time I would have been training for 8.5 years so yeah if genetics allow and hard work is put in, I would be disappointed if I wasn't in the same ball park.
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Syla some times I think you live in a fairy tale world :p

The very big difference between you and me is that your looking at them from the prospective of a bodybuilder who wants to compete and you will see massive differences where 99% of the population wouldn't.
his back is very achievable natty, especially after 5+ years dedicated training with good diet.

as above Lie is a good example.

more importantly though, need to see legs!
his back is very achievable natty, especially after 5+ years dedicated training with good diet.

as above Lie is a good example.

more importantly though, need to see legs!
His back is NOT achievable natty in 5 years. He's an ectomorph. It will have taken him 10+ years of super strict training and eating. End of. He may have a pre disposition or lucky genetics to stay lean that's entirely possible.

Heck my back was bigger by a long way, but with more than double the bodyfat.

I'm not saying he's not natural but let's be sensible with what people can achieve.

Lie is in great shape but he'd have to add more mass and drop a faIr bit of bf to achieve the same.
I would say that is achievable natty, I've managed similar condition and size over the years and probably not a million miles from it now.

I've only been training for 6 months after a 2-3 year break
That looks like a mate of mine but he's lower bodyfat than the guy in this pic. He has the same huge traps and massive middle back development. He's a lifetime natural and strong as an ox, I'm talking seriosuly freaky strong shoulders!
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I agree it's feasible. But it takes years of good hard training. You've got the previous condition though so easier for you to get back to where you were.

You've always been a freak of nature Chong ;)
I don't train my traps directly, so any growth must have come from other movements. My bench press is pretty strong, so I've been told :)
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