OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

Pelvis looks fine to me if that's what your asking, though it's hard to tell from the crap pics. You just have an unusual body shape for that BF% I reckon. Unfortunately your routine looks good (assuming its more than twice a week), maybe think about upping it to 4x a week which might give you the appetite to start properly wolfing down some grub.

Have you ever actually tracked your macros? If you track this things properly you can start to modify them until you get results.
Wahey, some useful feedback!

I did start tracking macros but found it pretty hard to boost calories easily. I can't eat a lot of nuts, fruit, milk or bread, amongst a few other things.

I guess I could go IIFYM?

Since getting into it properly (i.e June onwards) I do feel that I need to sort it out asap.
Squat ~ 75kg depends on what the hips feel like saying.
Deadlift 95kg
Bench Press 50kg
OHP 32.5kg
Facepull 30kg
BOR 40kg, 42.5 is a bit messy.
Dips - BW
Chins - BW and neg chins

I either do HIIT on x-trainer or rower, HIIT is not every session though, and I'm usually dead after about 5/6 mins.

Bodyweight is around 68kg, depending on if I have had a big poo or not. The weights are all working weights, not 1RMs.
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I'm new to the whole bodybuilding thing so I'm not going to post pics or anything, I'd just like one bit of advice for now, then I'll be back in a few weeks for more. Is it easier to cut then bulk up or should I do both at the same time? My plan is to hit the gym 2-3 times a week, as well as playing football twice a week, so I'd like to know whether to just run and swim or do complete weight workouts too? Cheers
Sigma - you've got to accept some constructive criticism - that's the only way we improve ourselves, is to accept the projection that others perceive of ourselves.

I admit, UE's sometimes a bit harsh with you, and you two clearly clash (a little pathetic from both of you if you ask me... but anyway).

If you want to get bigger, you have to eat. If you're not getting bigger after 2-3 months, irrespective of fat or not, then you're not eating enough. If you're getting stronger though, then you are progressing, if you're not, then you need to revisit your diet and your lifting.

Perhaps create a log for yourself (on here if you want) tracking your daily diet, your weight training. Have you worked out your 1RMs? As frankly it's almost useless using any training plan if you don't know what your maximum capacity is - as most weight training programs SHOULD be based on a percentage of your 1RM. A lot don't - heck, a lot of bodybuilding "programmes" have X amount of weight * Y amount of reps... how is this quantified?!!!?! It's not - it's just a "do this and you'll get jacked... look at me" - it's ********. You need to understand what your maximum capacity is, and then lift within that capacity - depending on your goals.

How far along are you with this?

You say you struggle with diet, have you listed a weekly quantity of what you currently eat? Yes it's a ballache, but it seems as though you need to do this. Heck, if you do struggle with calories, you may well have to go down the MRP route if you're not able to eat a lot of things.

We're here to help, but you've got to take on board the advice - it's not easy all this. It's taken me over 1/2 a dozen years to get where I am, and I'm annoyed that I'm no further than I would hope to be - I need to heed my own advice too. IT's not easy.
I'm new to the whole bodybuilding thing so I'm not going to post pics or anything, I'd just like one bit of advice for now, then I'll be back in a few weeks for more. Is it easier to cut then bulk up or should I do both at the same time? My plan is to hit the gym 2-3 times a week, as well as playing football twice a week, so I'd like to know whether to just run and swim or do complete weight workouts too? Cheers

Do both, but have a day or two rest inbetween your workout days.

Cutting and bulking cancel each other out, because the first needs a deficit [eating less than your maintenance, usually 500 calories below] and the latter needs a caloric surplus [about 500 or more calories above maintenance].

So pick one and then focus on that goal.
Yes - which is why I'm asking him to perhaps do an individual thread to log his training, and diet, as at the moment he's clearly not doing something right.

Sorry, didn't know if you knew about it that was all :)

Best thing for him is as you say, start a log somewhere, list stuff he can/can't eat, then get someone to give him a diet and stick to it for a month or two and see what happens.
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