OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

Thanks guys :D I don't know why i photoshopped my hair in the older pic. I quoted it from a post i made back in november :p
I don't consider myself a bodybuilder (not just now anyway)
But i have defo been bitten by the iron bug these last few months.
Still focused on fat loss but ditched cardio entirely and just hitting the weights.
(Weight and bf keeps dropping without the cardio)
Still long way to go but once i get down to a relatively low body fat percentage i will consider clean/lean bulking and building myself up.

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Are you just trying to show off your tat there bro?

My gay disfigured horrible tatoo i got when i was 16 in depot and regret like my other tatoos? No defo not haha.
I had another pic i posted trying to show my weight loss.I thought it was worse than that one which i deleted after the captain's post but i now think he was referring to the latter one.Guess i'll need to keep working on my build and posing/picture taking skills :p
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