OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

25-30? Ouch. I need to cut more than I planned

Yeah that sounds about right. Have a look around for some more methods of using the callipers. I have done the 3 point (chest, stomach, thigh) on myself, it was probably not very accurate but it fit roughly with what more knowledgeable people around me thought.

You also might want to think about going a little lower than 200lb, you will probably still be around 20% ish BF at that weight.

How tall are you?
I'm 6 feet. Psychologically it'll be hard for me to cut below 200lb. I used to be really skinny so I'm not used to cutting. I have started reducing calories already, which is uncomfortable and I might start doing some running or something. I currently only do weightlifting and no aerobics.
I'm 6 feet. Psychologically it'll be hard for me to cut below 200lb. I used to be really skinny so I'm not used to cutting. I have started reducing calories already, which is uncomfortable and I might start doing some running or something. I currently only do weightlifting and no aerobics.
If you were to reach your genetic muscular potential and be really ripped at the same time, you would be somewhere between 180-190lbs. One way or another, I don't think you are going to be skinny and gaunt even if you got to say 185 lbs right now at your present level of muscularity. Don't overthink it.
25-30? Ouch. I need to cut more than I planned

6'2" 210lbs 14%ish


so being im taller and tho that pic doesnt show it well i got lot more mass you can see you probs a good 10% on me i think

mass at same BF

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Of course it will make a difference :confused: What kind of a question is that?

Not really, you've got some visible ab definition, slight serratus, bit of obliques/adonis belt coming in. Far from fat.

What's having a thing frame got to do with it? That just means you start smaller. Doesn't mean you can't get "big", especially considering your goals "big" is extremely relative.

I don't think clavicle width is a limiting factor for anyone on this forum, no one is as big as they are going to get yet.

More like 147lbs at 6%, you wont be getting to 0% bf ;), but a few inches of height will probably mean more than 5lbs extra.

You're going to gain some fat anyway, which will mean you'll have to cut down at the end anyway. Why cut twice when you could do it once at the end? Plus if you get lean now the fat gain will be more noticeable and you'll be harping on about cutting again in 2 months time.


You are not fat sports brah, at all. Train hard and eat enough to gain steady weight for a year and then take another look, basically everything that Skillmister has already suggested.

The reason you look skinny yet soft is because you have very little mass beneath the fat, I strongly suggest fixing this before you ever consider 'cutting'. In this case you are not cutting weight, you are making your skeletal build all the more noticeable.

Strong words but true words I guess.

I don't particularly mind the fat per se, like wedgie very aptly said, I look soft because I have so little mass! The problem is that my mass is concentrated around my stomach (not shown in the picture). At a relaxed state I have a visible stomach which is far more becoming of a middle aged person, and is nowhere near the level of fat of the rest of my body. (Legs are fairly fat free, as are the arms).

Also I have a problem in that I will NOT have access to weights (hence my other thread I just bumped), I only have access to a tree branch to do pullups on, bodyweight exercises like tricep dips and pushups, and two resistance bands (up to 120lbs strength).

Therefore I'm unsure how to proceed seeing as I won't be lifting heavy iron (yet!) like you guys. :)
Heh, sound like me :p

Eat healthy and a lot, lift , rest, repeat. Reassess the situation a month down the line.

I struggle trying to put mass on purely because I hate the idea of putting on visible fat, its something you will learn to overcome with time hopefully and manage. All I see is the worse parts when I look at myself,, when in reality I'm not fat at all, its all in my head.

Keep at it mate, and don't be scared of change.
Ultra Extreme, That's really solid at 14%. It helps put things in perspective. I need to cut a lot of fat and add quite a bit of mass.

I have been gaining too much weight lately. I gained 10 pounds since January, no way that's all muscle. This has been a real wake up a call. I've been too dependent on the scale.
Ultra Extreme, That's really solid at 14%. It helps put things in perspective. I need to cut a lot of fat and add quite a bit of mass.

I have been gaining too much weight lately. I gained 10 pounds since January, no way that's all muscle. This has been a real wake up a call. I've been too dependent on the scale.

its always shocking m8 im afraid, been at this years and years and there always seems to be more to lose though im in the realms of 'good body' now. But as they say if you fear the climb why start at all? Anything worth climbing will be difficult.
Are you still cutting UE? Are you going for powerlifter/strongman lean or, you know, actual lean?

What are those lumps on your skin ?
Now I know that UE doesn't give a flying **** (if he did, he'd hardly appreciate a DYEL phaggot such as myself coming to his rescue), but I will be disappointed if you're trying to make some kind of dig. Fair enough if you're not, but you've had some exchanges in the past. Just as long as we all understand that anything like that is unacceptable on this section.
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