What are those lumps on your skin ?
Even his muscles have muscles.
What are those lumps on your skin ?
Now I know that UE doesn't give a flying **** (if he did, he'd hardly appreciate a DYEL phaggot such as myself coming to his rescue), but I will be disappointed if you're trying to make some kind of dig. Fair enough if you're not, but you've had some exchanges in the past. Just as long as we all understand that anything like that is unacceptable on this section.
Personally I'd have just worded the question differently, but that's just me being over cautious when it comes to someone's physical appearance.
Are you still cutting UE? Are you going for powerlifter/strongman lean or, you know, actual lean?
This is all very entertaining fellas lol
Yes for the record, acne scarring, not in fact acne, those are not lovely puss filled nodules that i could clear up with a clean diet and orange juice. Im afraid i have a condition that causes me to scar excessively anywhere on my torso. Any injury (even a biopsy i had done by a very skilled private surgeon) forms a lump of hard tissue.
Yes it sucks, itll never go away, but we play the hand we are dealt, and yes i dont give a "££$% lol
Hopefully you're not referring to a third testicleAny injury (even a biopsy i had done by a very skilled private surgeon) forms a lump of hard tissue.
Simple question....why the probing? I'm to much of a gentleman to even think such negativity.
I'm appalled you would even think I would...banter is one thing being a **** is another thing.