OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

Going by his internet presence in videos etc the guy would probably do my head in. But being that lean constantly and the way he transformed himself you can't not deny it's impressive.

Yes people do it all the time, it's merely because it was publicised so much it was noticed.
Suppose its down to time. I think thats why Jodie Marsh can pull off the transformations she does - if I could afford to not work and spent 4+ hours a day in the gym it would be great.
Do you mean the Jodie Marsh that has lowered bodyfat and put on a little muscle? 4 hours in the gym is total overkill for her and basically everyone else not at elite level lifting.

brb, off to work my pecs for 4 hours...
I had no idea who this Zyzz was, so I looked him up. Is it normal that I had an overwhelming urge to repeatedly punch my monitor?

He's such an Internet star due to the community he was first noticed and publicised in (Misc and reddit or sommat?). I think he's very much the sort of character where you have to be "in to" the Misc mindset to appreciate him, I'm not at all surprised that people from a PC Hardware shop forum don't particularly like the guy :)
2 Months into my Cut, lost 9 kilos down to 91kg and went from a 37 inch to 33 inch waist.

So far retained all my strength. I'm on 2000 calories/day. 70% clean food/30% whatever takes my fancy(mmmhhh Hobnobs).

Still have flabby bewbs and a flabby stomach but getting there. My deadline is the 1st of July to look shredded.

Anyway here are 2 shots:



2 Months into my Cut, lost 9 kilos down to 91kg and went from a 37 inch to 33 inch waist.

So far retained all my strength. I'm on 2000 calories/day. 70% clean food/30% whatever takes my fancy(mmmhhh Hobnobs).

Still have flabby bewbs and a flabby stomach but getting there. My deadline is the 1st of July to look shredded.

Anyway here are 2 shots:



looks fine bro, cutting well, nice base, probs 20% bf maybe higher looking at distribution but about 20. Keep cutting keep lifting.
Not been posting a lot the past few months due to work but I've still being hitting the gym consistently. Got a holiday this weekend so I'll probably update my log about what I've been doing.

Here is a little transformation picture I made up tonight. (Please excuse my photo shopping skills)

Do you all think you can all get back on topic and keep off the discussion of Steroids in this thread. Please keep this as Freefaller intended :

Can we keep this new thread relatively on topic. Pictures of progress, form, exercises, injuries, gym equipment or anything relating to bodybuilding which doesn't fit into either the "why do you train" thread or the "Gym Rats" thread can go in here.

Obviously individual threads on supplements or other specific questions are fine.

You'll feel that when you squat :p

It did indeed! Once it was on its fine, its jamming the bar in to place that was annoying

If he does fronties, he'll be fine. :cool:

At least we have evidence that he was walking about with the guns out. :D

Nice work, Delvis. :)


Sadly not much gunning was done, we were just landscapibg the garden.

And cheers
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