OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

Clear shredding going on, nice work Benny.

I think you're right to focus on lats and delts, and your stand out feature is definitely your ridiculous leg <3
How long were you on CNS Benny? Mirin'!

I CBL'd for 4 weeks and CNS'd for about the same, my backloads were pretty heafty on CNS as a week without carbs just drove me to eat too much (700g, 400g, 400g, 300g), recovery was/is awful.

Favoured carb cycling as it's what I did unknowingly when I first used HST/IF ate more carbs on training days. Hopefully with some more structure it'll be tres successful.

I'd like to train DC style again as I really liked it but need to eat like a horse to recover.

New macro's/plan: (yellow lines average the options above)


Clear shredding going on, nice work Benny.

I think you're right to focus on lats and delts, and your stand out feature is definitely your ridiculous leg <3

Ta :)

Yeah need to focus on some lat iso to rebuild some pathways and improve recruitment (iso cable/DB row), pull ups give me a good pump but rows not so much at the moment.

Delt recruitment I've always struggled with, they look quite flat in the photo's, funnily enough a sort of 'pike' style press up or 'shoulder' press up if you will give me the best pump as much as I try other press work just pumps my tri's even when mid range repping. Will move away from BB press and get some dumbbell action going on.

Think my quads are a genetic / volume training thing :cool:
Delts need lots of volume for me. I focussed on them years ago and I haven't had to do much since.

Yeah, I kinda class them the same as legs in that they're used daily so are quite a high endurance group, supersets ahoy.

Will give them a tickle on the pull split as well as the push. May even give them a hit on cardio day too/instead.
One of these days I need to get Steedie to show me how to pose.

I'll get some leg shots up tomorrow.




Looking a little softer - but eating a little more, and doing more volume - so that was bound to happen.
Leaning out well Benny, really good shape.

Ta :) Not quite the same teddie level as you!

Looking awesome Benny, can I has your chest?

Fo sho, hopefully in a couple of weeks I'll look a little fuller as those shots were taken mid reload after 5 days no carbs with plenty of exercise. So with some regular carbing and different training I should see some reasonable difference!

I want to DC train again so badly and would be much happier doing so now (and eating the required volume!) at a better bf%
Man, This thread is inspiration! I really would love a balanced, proportioned frame like you FF!

I've managed to so far get from 16st2 to 13st4, still trying to drop some more before I try and get bigger, and then I'll be back in here for a tonne of advice no doubt!

One day... :(
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