OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

Still cutting :(
I bloody hate it, but serves me right for being suck a fat lazy git in the first place.

Going to drop few more percent bf then consider bulking as i don't like being small (85kg)
Haha i'm just paranoid i'll get fat again.I understand its inevitable to gain fat whilst bulking even if its with a small cal surplus, its just been so bloody hard cutting.
Suppose i should man up i guess.
Gonna start End of Month :D
Describe your average daily diet dude?

Gym first thing in the morning (fasted)
30grams oats, 3eggs or can of tuna with protein shake post workout.
apple mid morning.
Tuna or chicken breast with salad for lunch.
Protein shake around 2/3pm
Chicken breast, salad and yogurt for dinner.
Protein shake around 8pm.

Repeat 5/6 days a week then have about 400/500 grams carbs on a Sunday usually pasta, potatoes, oats or brown rice.
Didn't know this existed! Joined the gym 2 weeks ago today and in those two weeks I've put some weight on which is nice. I'm 5'11" and weighed 55kg in the first photo. I don't know what I weigh now as I haven't had a chance to weigh myself. I think the reason I've seen good gains is because I've eaten like an absolute horse - steaks, eggs, salmon, chicken and cut out most other crap I eat. I also pretty much only could gain, I didn't need to lose any fat and was toned to begin with. I think I'll stick at training! :)

9th July:

19th July:
Hahaha! I have to hold it really close to the mirror to get a good shot, otherwise it's too far away.

Samsung Note 2... it looks huge on there heh!
you're so skinny :o is that even a healthy weight? 55kg at that height? my ex gf was fit as heck and she weighted 53 at 5.6"!

Why do you think I joined the gym! I eat so much too!...

I hear this a lot. People usually over-estimate the amounts they eat. The only way to know for sure is to keep a food diary and post it here for informed critique :D

I'd love your conditioning but sadly you weigh as much as one of my legs :o;):D
Why do you think I joined the gym! I eat so much too!...

As said above, I bet you don't eat nearly as much as you think you do or maybe even did.

Track your calories for a week or so, and it will give you a good idea of how much your taking in.

Also calculate your BMR here - http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/

It's noddy and will show you how much you need to be taking in to put on some weight. Though if I was you, I'd do it slowly and try to keep lean. Though no doubt some here will disagree, but there is only soo much muscle you can put on anyway. No reason to get fat, though it is a lot easier and more fun :D
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