OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

My body fat distribution is LOL - nothing on my arms legs, barely visible abs but throw some carbs in me and the roots come out:

I would post some pics of me with my current 25.8% body fat, but I don't want to make y'all jealous :p

Maybe when I get some nice comparison pictures in a few months after I actually do some exercise. Made it to the gym 8 of the last 7 days, so hopefully I can keep it up!
I have one running up my actual abs that's starting to show, looks weirddddddd - I think all the yoga I'm doing is leveling up my core and pushing stuff out more. Need to weigh myself too.

Highly recommend doing some yoga classes for a combination of static/dynamic stretching, balance, core stability and mirin HBBs in yoga pants. Kinda relaxing too. Need a proper yogi though not some fitness instructor that also does yoga classes.
Back from france and hit the gym hard today, bench/dumbell press, dips, shrugs, lat raises and some other stuff. Thought i'd get a cheeky photo while pumped up! :D My doctor said i have good veins when they injected my shoulder for my op, no ab vasc but you can see the rest pretty well in this! I know it doesn't seem like much of a change but i feel like a completely different person in the mirror!

Looking svelte. :cool:

Now train some legs! :D

Haha, i hiked a mountain in france and spent 3 days downhill biking last week! :p

In all seriousness, legs is next gym day according to the book i'm trying to follow...


Going to add squats in there for good measure too i think. Will post a leg pic for you monday! :D
Deadlifts isn't leg centric enough for me IMO, though still critical. You cannot beat squats, walking lunges and bulgarian split squats for powerful strong legs.
Interesting routine... where is it from?

Because it seems very bro, so much so that it doesn't appear to even be a good bro programme...?

Its a book i was given called Gaining Mass by Anthony Ellis. It's got tonnes of stuff about diet and good meals to prepare and stuff, which i think was my biggest hurdle before as cookies and haribo don't really fit in well to size gains :p

The workout seems kinda basic, but it describes the moves well and i was just going to follow it as a basic guideline (adding things like you and freefaller have suggested) until i had a routine that worked well for me.
I have found a nice balance (finally), whereby I can maintain my current levels while having regular weekly splurges.

*everyday shape - currently hitting 3.3k - 3.7 calories, while carb back loading.


Shoot image
looks like you're standing in a DW changing room. Is there a Muscles in HD sticker in front of you or a sign saying "Selfi Station"? For some unexplainable reason they have started putting these up all over the place?

Enjoying having money to eat and a regular routine now that I'm no longer a student!

6'0" and currently around 82kg, moving upwards though. Plan is to continue eating everything in sight for another 2-3 months then cut for the southern hemisphere summer.

Enjoying having money to eat and a regular routine now that I'm no longer a student!

6'0" and currently around 82kg, moving upwards though. Plan is to continue eating everything in sight for another 2-3 months then cut for the southern hemisphere summer.

This guy gets it. :cool:

Good luck to my mate doing the UKBFF in a couple of weeks at Birmingham. This was his shape last year on coming fourth. He's hoping for top 3 this year.
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