OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

I agree losing weight personally I find easy, adding good weight is difficult theres nothing worse than feeling bloated stuffing yourself everyday eating good then training feeling horrible and bloated.
Kai, making some good clear definite progress there mate - quite impressive for only 3 weeks. Though bear in mind that's not really a suitable time frame - you need to give yourself a couple of months to really start noticing big changes. :)
Kai, making some good clear definite progress there mate - quite impressive for only 3 weeks. Though bear in mind that's not really a suitable time frame - you need to give yourself a couple of months to really start noticing big changes. :)

Thankyou FF, im loving it but now and again i fall into a booby trap, going out for a meal with the G.F and end up not following my diet :( temptations. Biggest change i think is cutting out all Coke, i now drink squash and lots of it. As far as my Gym sessions are going, the boys i train with are well, MASSIVE and push me really hard but i cant belive how quickly i am moving up weight e.g. i done 6kg Incline Bench Dumbbell Press and struggled (wimp) in the first week and had a massive dependancy on my stronger arm left arm took a pounding, now up to 16kg on my final set with a lot more control, Yes not huge weight but thats massive improvment?
Check out this guy!

I don't know his stats or the time frame over which he lost the weight (edit: apparently the transformation took one year, thanks Balddog), but what an impressive transformation. That's the physique I'm aiming for (the slender one to pre-empt any wiseguys :p).

This thread should help keep some of you motivated if you haven't already seen it: http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=108359701.

[Edited again now I found more details]

That's freaking insane.

I'll post up some pics later if I can get my camera to work.
You couldnt be further from the truth if you tried. I get lots of attention, both in work and when out.

While there are women who like the brad pitt and david beckham look, there are plenty that like a bigger man.

I've seen your pics mate. It has nothing todo with your size. It's that fresh face of yours and a tight ass. ;)
Little update... My weight hasn't changed at all in the last few months (still at 75kg or thereabouts), but my strength has increased a lot since I've been following the stronglifts routine. Took your advice Freefaller and I'm really liking the 5x5!






I still can't spread my lats properly!

I'm quite happy with the size of my upper legs at the moment. In fact I don't really want them much bigger, my jeans are tight enough as they are! I'm going to do purely strength training on my upper legs from now on. My calves need a lot of work though, as does my chest.
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Looking good mansize. The lighting makes you seem a bit soft in the first two pictures but from 3 onwards you can see you are really quite lean aswell as having some good muscle mass. Well done :)
Only one critique from those pictures would be your left bicep looks much bigger than your right but it could just be the picture ( I had the same thing but the other way round).
How old/ tall are you mate?
trust me, its the size as much as anything else ;]
having biceps too big for them to get their hands around = win apparently! lol

Yep lol and cheesy as it is i actually pulled my current GF by saing "if i let you feel my boobs can i feel yours?" Once they realise they are pecs and not the usual moobs they definately get the tingle ;)
I agree losing weight personally I find easy, adding good weight is difficult theres nothing worse than feeling bloated stuffing yourself everyday eating good then training feeling horrible and bloated.

Something about that guy scares the **** out of me...

Massive achievement no doubt but I'm always admire the tiny guys who make a radical change rather than the obese ones. In my book its easy to not eat something than it is force feed yourself, plus like Makunouchi says it isn't all fat to begin with.

neither is harder than the other..it just depends on your perspective.
Thats pretty decent, you've got some thick muscles. And a rack in your room!?

Thank you. :)
Hah yes it's in my room, though being on an upper floor it's a little risky! Luckily most of the weight is quite close to the wall where the floor is strongest, so hopefully *fingers crossed* I won't fall through.

Looking good mansize. The lighting makes you seem a bit soft in the first two pictures but from 3 onwards you can see you are really quite lean aswell as having some good muscle mass. Well done :)
Only one critique from those pictures would be your left bicep looks much bigger than your right but it could just be the picture ( I had the same thing but the other way round).
How old/ tall are you mate?

Cheers dun. Regarding my biceps, I think the pictures are a little off-putting. Like you I think my right bicep is a little bigger than the left. I haven't measured so I don't know for sure, but the peak is a little higher. I'm 5'7 ish maybe 5'8 I don't know, and I just turned 19 not that long ago.
Another lanky git here at 6'5.

I've been using the gym for 11 weeks now. First picture was taken a few weeks in and the second this morning.



I'm eating a fair amount but my BF doesn't seem to be changing much and I've only gained about 2-3KG so not sure if I need to be eating more. I struggle already with the constant cooking eating.

My goals are to just get stronger/broader really and then take it from there but it certainly doesn't seem to be coming easy with such long limbs. :eek:
Got some new pics, think I've gained a bit of fat with all the recent drinking sessions :p (Currently ~12stone 12 at just under 6')




You dont want to see the faces I was pulling in those shots :eek:
And I'm going to regret this but can anyone give some body fat estimations?
Edit: Oh yeah it looks like I neglect leg shots because I can't find a good place to stand my cameraphone on delayed photo mode :p (They're not particularly big though I do train them as hard if not harder than the rest of my body).
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You look great (no homo)! What are you lifts like? (squat/bench/dead)

Wow hehe cheers dude! They're not the best, to be honest. At the moment in week 7 of my Stronglifts routine I'm squatting 95kg, benching 62.5kg, deadlifting 100kg and my overhead press is 55kg. That's for 5x5 and they're all relatively manageable at the moment apart from the overhead press which is getting quite difficult! I have no idea what my 1RM is or anything though.
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