OcUK Minecraft Server - Rules & Chat

shes up

2011-01-11 19:26:27 [SEVERE] Unexpected exception
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
at ex.a(SourceFile:39)
at ex.c(SourceFile:101)
at fx.a(SourceFile:158)
at fx.a(SourceFile:120)
at fx.b(SourceFile:94)
at fx.a(SourceFile:64)
at fx.a(SourceFile:37)
at fx.a(SourceFile:22)
at ff.a(SourceFile:1644)
at hz.c(SourceFile:26)
at lc.G(lc.java:573)
at gu.G(SourceFile:24)
at lc.b_(lc.java:191)
at gu.b_(SourceFile:28)
at ff.a(SourceFile:1072)
at fm.a(SourceFile:37)
at ff.f(SourceFile:1048)
at ff.c(SourceFile:1027)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(SourceFile:274)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:216)
at cj.run(SourceFile:490)

Cheers gar,

Same error as all the other times over the last few days, daily restart is doing jackall too :(

Might have to take down all the spawners bar one and see if that fixes it.
I certainly don't see the point in so many people having them. An underground community one would be good. Preferably far from areas that people use. (Remember how spawn was with all those mobs...)
If you do decided to remove them all bar one please allow us to keep the one built over the past four days, as you can see we are still landscaping the outside, but its linked by rail, dock will be up in a few days once I have put half stone all around the front to hold off spawns outside.

I cant see it being many spawner's as they are only active when people are near them. As I was not on the last few days mine wouldn't of been doing anything.
Server just gone down.

It's certainly nothing to do with the spawner of mine, it's got lights in so is currently not active.

As said, spawners are only active when people are near em, so it surely is not them, best thing to do would be that as people expand out, just move the spawners out further away, but they're far away already.
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yup. OK aypez (hindrancescorn here) i haz can revise now. But will be thinking of ways to do this ride of horrors. gl hf

dammit, we were having fun too.

yeh indeed. xD ill be trying some things on my private serv tmorow. unlimited resources ***.!
yup. OK aypez (hindrancescorn here) i haz can revise now. But will be thinking of ways to do this ride of horrors. gl hf

yeh indeed. xD ill be trying some things on my private serv tmorow. unlimited resources ***.!

no worries, thanks for all the help. quite fun trying to see what you can do with carts and lava/water xD

any chance you can send me details of your server? mail in trust; i'd be happy to help out :D
I think it may be MinecartMania related, looking at the logs shortly before the crash there are a lot of errors relating to the mod. Crashes only started since MM started working again a couple of days ago.

2011-01-11 22:27:59 [SEVERE] Exception while calling plugin function in 'class MinecartMania$Listener' while calling hook: 'VEHICLE_DAMAGE'.
at BaseEntity.getId(BaseEntity.java:29)
at MinecartMania$Listener.onVehicleDamage(MinecartMania.java:327)
at PluginLoader.callHook(PluginLoader.java:581)
at kq.a(kq.java:105)
at ep.b(ep.java:446)
at ep.c(ep.java:402)
at kq.b_(kq.java:392)
at ff.a(SourceFile:1072)
at fm.b(SourceFile:42)
at kk.a(kk.java:130)
at hy.a(SourceFile:126)
at bs.a(SourceFile:232)
at kk.a(kk.java:61)
at eh.a(eh.java:71)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(SourceFile:275)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:216)
at cj.run(SourceFile:490)
2011-01-11 22:27:59 [SEVERE] Exception while calling plugin function in 'class MinecartMania$Listener' while calling hook: 'VEHICLE_DAMAGE'.
at BaseEntity.getId(BaseEntity.java:29)
at MinecartMania$Listener.onVehicleDamage(MinecartMania.java:327)
at PluginLoader.callHook(PluginLoader.java:581)
at kq.a(kq.java:105)
at ep.b(ep.java:446)
at ep.c(ep.java:402)
at kq.b_(kq.java:392)
at ff.a(SourceFile:1072)
at fm.b(SourceFile:42)
at kk.a(kk.java:133)
at hy.a(SourceFile:126)
at bs.a(SourceFile:232)
at kk.a(kk.java:61)
at eh.a(eh.java:71)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(SourceFile:275)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:216)
at cj.run(SourceFile:490)
2011-01-11 22:27:59 [SEVERE] Exception while calling plugin function in 'class MinecartMania$Listener' while calling hook: 'VEHICLE_DAMAGE'.
at BaseEntity.getId(BaseEntity.java:29)
at MinecartMania$Listener.onVehicleDamage(MinecartMania.java:327)
at PluginLoader.callHook(PluginLoader.java:581)
at kq.a(kq.java:105)
at ep.b(ep.java:446)
at ep.c(ep.java:402)
at kq.b_(kq.java:392)
at ff.a(SourceFile:1072)
at fm.b(SourceFile:42)
at kk.a(kk.java:130)
at hy.a(SourceFile:126)
at bs.a(SourceFile:232)
at kk.a(kk.java:61)
at eh.a(eh.java:71)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(SourceFile:275)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:216)
at cj.run(SourceFile:490)
2011-01-11 22:27:59 [SEVERE] Exception while calling plugin function in 'class MinecartMania$Listener' while calling hook: 'VEHICLE_DAMAGE'.
at BaseEntity.getId(BaseEntity.java:29)
at MinecartMania$Listener.onVehicleDamage(MinecartMania.java:327)
at PluginLoader.callHook(PluginLoader.java:581)
at kq.a(kq.java:105)
at ep.b(ep.java:446)
at ep.c(ep.java:402)
at kq.b_(kq.java:392)
at ff.a(SourceFile:1072)
at fm.b(SourceFile:42)
at kk.a(kk.java:133)
at hy.a(SourceFile:126)
at bs.a(SourceFile:232)
at kk.a(kk.java:61)
at eh.a(eh.java:71)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(SourceFile:275)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:216)
at cj.run(SourceFile:490)
2011-01-11 22:27:59 [SEVERE] Exception while calling plugin function in 'class MinecartMania$Listener' while calling hook: 'VEHICLE_DAMAGE'.
at BaseEntity.getId(BaseEntity.java:29)
at MinecartMania$Listener.onVehicleDamage(MinecartMania.java:327)
at PluginLoader.callHook(PluginLoader.java:581)
at kq.a(kq.java:105)
at ep.b(ep.java:446)
at ep.c(ep.java:402)
at kq.b_(kq.java:392)
at ff.a(SourceFile:1072)
at fm.b(SourceFile:42)
at kk.a(kk.java:130)
at hy.a(SourceFile:126)
at bs.a(SourceFile:232)
at kk.a(kk.java:61)
at eh.a(eh.java:71)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(SourceFile:275)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:216)
at cj.run(SourceFile:490)

Have just changed the settings so that minecarts don't damage players, mobs or animals as it looks like it's something to do with cart damage.
Ah fantastic! Hopefully we won't die anymore now... lol

On another note, is it possible to make a reed farm that auto-harvests, like that cactus one at spawn?
Have just changed the settings so that minecarts don't damage players, mobs or animals as it looks like it's something to do with cart damage.

Great news.

Considering it was a vehicle damage crash, I accept full responsibility for trying to put mine carts through lava xD
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