OcUK Minecraft Server - Rules & Chat

For those who haven't a clue what PR's wabbling on about, he is presently building the largest mine under his house that I've ever seen. The thing is so large that it somehow leads into my 'large' mine beneath my nearby 'Gherkin' structure. So I am now digging a large branch directly towards him to merge both mines.

If Notch ever implements real world physics, 'Mugabe Desert' and the surrounding area will vanish into a very large HOLE.

PS: Halfmad = Murderer!

AireGuitar and I are also building a new massive mine near my house. It was not intended to be, it is just that we keep finding new caverns. Never seen anything like it tbh. There is now a real chance that all our mega-mines may merge. :D
It'd amuse me no end if they all ended up as one large mine. My mine isn't enormous but it is a straight corridor type mine in one direction, if anyone hits it we'll have the start of a serious mega-mine!
I think the main bottom branch of my mine is already in line with your island Halfmad, except I've now stopped digging in that direction and veered left towards PR's mine :D

Imagine the hilarity and sheer panic of a random player who wanders into Mugabe Desert, encounters a creeper and is then sent falling to his death into PR's mine as the 3 block deep ground below him caves in from the resulting explosion :o

What's changed since it first went into beta?
Dogz! Fousands of em!
It'd amuse me no end if they all ended up as one large mine. My mine isn't enormous but it is a straight corridor type mine in one direction, if anyone hits it we'll have the start of a serious mega-mine!
I have two rather large mines that I've dug out. 1 under my submarine, near Halfmad's lighthouse, and the other is a short distance away under my secret hideout :). I'm going to link these two together, then perhaps on to other mines as well.

Dunno if those images were old, but still worth sharing. That black bar is because my resolution on each monitor is different.
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