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I'd love to have any of your dirt guys, stone too. Making a massive mountain and need a lot of dirt, to make a donation just do /home RoboSprog and put it in the donation chests next to the well.
I've been looking through that cartograph for ages and i can't find my home, is tehre any easy way to find things?

EDIT: nevermind, found it, i was looking for something that clearly wasn't there on the 21st :p any newer cartographs? I've taken a screenshot of my the island i'm on from that carto, want a newer carto (ideally today or yesterday) to compare what will be a massive difference
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I forgot to change my client over from my modded one to he plain default and I accidently pressed f which is my default fly key when I was trying to change the fog and I accidently flew, then the server kicked me. sorry for the mistake and I reinstalled minecraft :)
I'd love to have any of your dirt guys, stone too. Making a massive mountain and need a lot of dirt, to make a donation just do /home RoboSprog and put it in the donation chests next to the well.

Over by the dam near spawn there is a chest left over from when we raised the level of the lake, there is quite a lot of dirt in there if you want it!
Hello Minecrafters!

Looking to play this myself but could do with a rundown on what i need to do, Im guessing i'll have to buy the fullgame? I also want to know is it easy to play and get into?



Feel like i have walked maybe 5 - 6 days away from spawn
to find my little spot and every time i think im good to go

I find someones home / build lol

Any way looks good and thanks for adding me!



I'm the same, I feel like I'm going to ruin the place with if I build a house. Is there a place for noobs to start a mine and a house? I don't want to step on any toes
I got booted off a minute ago, when it started to rain. Also had some flying octopus. :D

Whilst I am on the subject, can you catch them? Quite fancy one in my pond.
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