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Was in the big cathedral near the spawn last night and noticed some carpet missing, looks like post update fire damage again. :(


There is the bit you can seen in the screeny but noticed another patch missing in there as well.
That wasn't me restarting btw, it just crashed. Going to try a restart now.


No luck can't restarting it from my end, shall PM FT.
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I'm finding creating the supports really tricky, if you look the current ones are not all the same height so looks abit iffy.

I think I'm going to have to create a 1x1 block bridge of mud at the level the supports want to go.

They need to be 7 blocks from sea level starting.

The supports consist of 6x 2, 3x3, 4x4, 2x5 and 2x6, so all 2 blocks high then 2 in length, 3, 4, 5 and 6 etc...

If I've understood correctly and worked it out right, that should give a height of 34 blocks and a span of 2x43 for the total arch.

It looks like the last two lot of 6's at the top meet, so giving a line of 12. Should the bottom set of two blocks touch, at your level of 7 above sea, giving a line of 4? If those numbers are right it might help with laying out some markers along the floor.

Also what's the deal with the torches at the moment? Are the just temporary for now? Not going to slap them down too randomly but inside the bridge there seem to be 6 blocks between each one, on the top of the bridge they seem a bit more random. Only counted between a few of the last ones and the seem to be anywhere from 10 to 13 blocks apart.

I've added some to it already tonight, just on here while the server restarts but not found a rhythm yet so finding it slow going at the mo. :/

edit: well didn't get as much done as I planned, found the arch slow going. :( but managed to get a bit done. Looks like you have been leaving 5 blocks between the bottom of the arches, so I finished off half of one that was there are and put the beginnings of the next one. Think it is ok but was getting dark in game and I need to go to bed now. Any way have a look and let me know if ok or not. Left some cobble for you as well.
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Only thing is from a distance and on the ground, you can see under my manmade island through to the sky.. Maybe my next project will be to accurately recreate underwater land..
Well I've bitten the minecraft bullet. Enjoyed playing the offline mode a few times so why not! Can I be added to the whitelist please? Same name as my forum name :)
So i dug a hole and had a plan with what to do with it, ive totally forgotten what that was as such ocuk give me some suggestions :)

Here is a pic of said hole.

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