Yep, now or never, it's set in stone after the weekend!
It's like dealing with children sometimes!
What is it that needs doing? Just updating the OP?
I'm presuming mods can't allow more than one thread owner at a time? Mind you, even if they could it may cause issues down the line.
Don't think so but they can transfer owner as it was originally the big fluffy FF that was the OP.
I'd happily help, but I'd have to either be the thread owner or a mod. Which lets face it, isn't going to happen as I don't browse the rest of SA
Someone needs to update it mines is very much out of date
I'd update it, but tom_e probably just has a lot on or whatever It's just that a fair few have updated their totals recently
Anyway, I'd not know what to do with the wilks table
Oooh... my first public shaming!
90/125/150 ------ [91] ---- 365kg
Pushpress: 80kg