*** OcUK Powerlifting Totals Thread ***

Been training properly since May and as of this week my 1rm are...

Bench - 122.5
Squat - 170 (with a belt)
Deadlift - 220 (with chalk)

Weight - 102kg

Need to get that bench press up!

Only filmed the squat and dead but I'll add the vids later. Hope you can trust me on the bench.
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Just that bench is probably my favourite lift and means more to me. But yeah I admit I need to get more motivated on squat day. I hate leg day.

Please update my bench to 143kg (raw). Am at 87.5kg currently.

Cheers mate :)

edit: just realised I hadn't updated my squat, max I managed last summer before the hammy went was 134. A small increase, but it all helps :p
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ah fair enough :)

Isolation on the legs is fine, but over a prolonged period if I do large compounds 1/2 times a week on it, it really starts playing up :(

Will buy something to strap it up with so it feels more robust.

Watch this space, Squat will be up there in coming months :p
Thanks. Could you change the (s) on the DL to (B), no longer use straps but use a belt now.
New squat PB tonight, also dropped my bench press PB to 155 because I'm not happy with the previous 160 attempt.

LiE -------- 155 / 200(B) / 230(B) ------ [81] ---- 585
Not got videos but would really like to get some but still scared of asking somone to video me :( Been focusing on cutting at the moment but have still gained a little strength.

Bench is still 100kg but I've not gone for a max in ages.
Squat 110kg
Deadlift 155kg (B)
Bodyweight is down to 65kg! :)


Stiv121 -------- 100 / 110 / 155 ------ [65] ---- 365
quick update, bench up, my weight down :) I think I could add to the squat and deadlift but I'll just keep doing what I'm doing for now.

dod -------- 70+/ 110+ / 120+-------- [82] ---- 300
Ha ha I came to check up on the totals and only just found this newer thread :D

I am out of action for a few more weeks but with 445KG total I am confident I can crush that when I get my ass back in the saddle. Plus I've put on a few pounds though which might affect the balance of things :p In a good way hopefully...
I get grumpy reading this thread because my 460kg total is from almost a year ago and if it wasn't for silly injuries I'd have completely smashed it by now :mad:.
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