OcUK Powerlifting Totals

Got my bench upto 105 kilo today :) and im buzzing from it! Not a mark on some of the larger guys in there but for my size, and considering i tore my shoulder only 3 months ago! Originally it was 100 kilo PB, and that seemed to go up pritty easily. I'd already done 5 sets of DB shoulder press and 2 sets 12 reps 70 KG and 2 sets of 8 reps 80 KG. Then 1x80, 1x90, 1x95, 1x100 and then 1x105. Attempted 107.5 but it felt twice as heavy just getting it off the hooks! no such luck, maybe another day.

I got a nice sense of achievement from it and couldnt stop smiling!:D

I keep meaning to try max rep while im fresh in the gym, obviousley warmed up though. has anybody tried this? if so did you see much improvement?

Benny C
Attempted 107.5 but it felt twice as heavy just getting it off the hooks! no such luck, maybe another day.

Benny C

first of all good work :]
always a great feeling to hit a PB.

secondly some tips..

- get someone to spot you and help lift (and rack) the weight off for 1RM's, this saves you needing to use energy to move the bar from a position that is not helpful in the lift
- think differently, you went to try 107.5 knowing it was bloody heavy so your mind thinks 'its too heavy'
- lastly, yes it does feel heavy at the top of a rep, but that doesnt mean its still not a useful rep... what you can do is hold the weight at the top of the rep (lower it an inch or two to put some tension on), then hold it there for 15-20 secs. do this a couple of times (infact use more weight, say 10% more than your 1RM)

good luck on 107.5 next time :D
Nice weight mate - how much do you weigh? I presume it was good technique! ;)

I tend to do 1 or 2 warm up sets at 80ish kg - then go straight into heavy. You knackered yourself a bit before doing your 1RM IMO - I'd have done 1 or 2 small rep sets first - that 107.5 would have been achievable I reckon - however don't be upset as even adding 2.5kg really makes a heck of a difference.

I'm trying to improve on my 1RM on incline bench - I find that pretty hardcore.

Did 200kg DL again today, it went up pretty easily too :eek: Where's this strength coming from?! I held it up for about 15s too just get a bit of a strain on the forearms. I need to start working on my squats and bench again now I've achieved my 200kg goal. I'm aiming for 150kg bench by the end of august. I'd love to hit 200kg squats but that won't be till the end of the year I reckon.
first of all good work :]
always a great feeling to hit a PB.

secondly some tips..

- get someone to spot you and help lift (and rack) the weight off for 1RM's, this saves you needing to use energy to move the bar from a position that is not helpful in the lift
- think differently, you went to try 107.5 knowing it was bloody heavy so your mind thinks 'its too heavy'
- lastly, yes it does feel heavy at the top of a rep, but that doesnt mean its still not a useful rep... what you can do is hold the weight at the top of the rep (lower it an inch or two to put some tension on), then hold it there for 15-20 secs. do this a couple of times (infact use more weight, say 10% more than your 1RM)

good luck on 107.5 next time :D

Nice weight mate - how much do you weigh? I presume it was good technique! ;)

I tend to do 1 or 2 warm up sets at 80ish kg - then go straight into heavy. You knackered yourself a bit before doing your 1RM IMO - I'd have done 1 or 2 small rep sets first - that 107.5 would have been achievable I reckon - however don't be upset as even adding 2.5kg really makes a heck of a difference.

I'm trying to improve on my 1RM on incline bench - I find that pretty hardcore.

Did 200kg DL again today, it went up pretty easily too :eek: Where's this strength coming from?! I held it up for about 15s too just get a bit of a strain on the forearms. I need to start working on my squats and bench again now I've achieved my 200kg goal. I'm aiming for 150kg bench by the end of august. I'd love to hit 200kg squats but that won't be till the end of the year I reckon.

Ive been doing some inner chest work too as i barely did any and knew i would find it easier (i just managed it afer a max rep with 45 kilo DB Press the other week, set as my PB a month back), i'll try thinking positive next time! Yeh it was reasonably clean, my spotter had his hands out but i screamed 'NO!' at him, bit of a stutter at 2/3rd's extension but after that was fine. It was by no means messy! lol Also i will try getting my spotter to help pass the weight, never really thought of that, suppose its like doing the last set of the rep twice if you take it off the hooks yourself!

Yeah, i probaly shouldnt of done so much before hand. I was wandering about having a rest and thought i'd try some bench as i'd been doing DB press lately and gave bench ago, which i found easier than normal, and after a minute of sitting there deciding it was max rep time!

I weigh 12.7 stone, so about 81/82 kilo. 5ft 10/11" and im 19 not actually mesaured lately. If i get the 107.5 which i know i will! I can! before i go home from the end of this semester ill be happy. If i get 110 i think i might have to do a victory streak around the gym! :p going to be sore in the morning! I ate rather well tonight to reward myself!

200kilo? you machine! ive seen 183 done, i need to start getting into those, but want to be taught the proper technique to avoid injurying myself! same with squats, which ive started, but nothing heavy until i sort my form out! Not only am I addicted to the gym and muscle pump im now hooked on smashing PB's!
It's a good habit/addiction to get into :D Makes you feel great IMO.

Sounds like you did it pretty solidly too, as long as you're not arching your back or putting undue stress on parts of your body - that's a great weight for your size too - as I said I reckon 107.5 should be achieveable without much more than a couple of light warmups to get the joints loosened up. I found with me that when I first hit 130 on flat bench I couldn't get anywhere near it for the next week, and then bang it came back again. It just depends on what your body can cope with and how quickly it recovers.

It's funny isn't it, 100kg is not really THAT heavy, but as humans it's a significant amount of weight - it's quite shaming really! Ok in 3 exercises a lot of us are shifting over 1/2 a tonne, but it's still quite insignificant in ways.

DLs are great, make sure you get onto them - best exercise EVER! lol. :D
I never thought id say this but I think im getting fat, I lifted up my tshirt while watching TV just now and noticed there was fat sticking over the top of my shorts :eek:

time to sort this out. :o
i always feel that i am fat when i sit down... oh wait! hehe

more on topic: 130kg bench tonight. was plenty more left in me, could have went for 135 but was happy enough with that. took 30kg off quickly then did 8x100 after it.
Dude, i'll be happy when I get to 100!

To be fair though, even in the 67.5KG powerlifting competitions, putting up 100KG around my age is still an okay unequipped lift.

I'll get there!

To be fair though, dumbbells are probably better if you're after size.
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