OcUK Powerlifting Totals

I got my 107.5 yesterday :D as soon as i tend to break a PB my body goes to pot and isnt bothered about going any further! still tried for 110, but no such luck, was clean but wasnt going up and wasnt going down!

I went in fresh like you said freefaller. Half hour on the cross trainer to warm up and then did some lateral raises for my shoulders and back, then did a set of 10 on 70kg to warm up.

Then blasted out 80 90 and 100 kilo, 100 which went up quite easily. Next up was 105, which was a dirty rep if im honnest, not very clean, had a pause just after the push and a bit of a stammer, but it went up. Then i went for 100 again, was a good clean rep. Then hammered 107.5 out (form was spot on), n attempted 110 but didnt have it in me.

Had a little rest, and came back for 1 more rep of 105kg and finished off with a set of 2x100kg:) it was hard, but felt nice to be pushing a big weight (well for me anyway) more than once. I also did reps of larger weights, one because I was in fresh, but more importantly help build my strength up.

I expect after coming back after summer, even though i will try to keep up with training, it will inevitably slack a bit. If i can get 110kilo out over summer, or even at the end of the first semester next year ill be over the moon:) (gym round the courner doesnt have a bench or smith and its largest dumbells are 30kilo, time to find another gym i think!)

Rounded my session off with some dips. Then went out for some annihilation to celebrate my achievements and the end of my freshers year!
Well played mate :) Good result.

I did a 205kg DL today - another PB. Attempted 140kg x2 flat bench but the 1st rep was quite shakey, the second had no chance, it went up with a bit of spotting. :(
I've upped my lifting totals a bit from last time

Squat:110kg (now freeweight rather than smith)
bench:79kg (still) haven't given it a go for a while

total: 344kg

Current lifts, finding it hard to get to the Gym at the moment, juggling 3 jobs :(

Aiming for 140-150 BP by Crimbo!

BW - 88KG
Total - 440KG

Good work Gaz.
25-35kg jump by xmas? that would be very impressive.

what routine are you following? im guessing you are powerlifting rather than bodybuilding?

i agree, over 100k each step is heavy as hell, 150k is a serious lift, i wouldnt think its do-able but hey you might have godlike genetics
i agree, over 100k each step is heavy as hell, 150k is a serious lift, i wouldnt think its do-able but hey you might have godlike genetics

Agreed. I've been quite lucky with what I have, and even then pushing my way past 120kg was a struggle and has taken me well over 8 months to add more than 1 rep to my 130kg - though I can now do a shakey 140 but I'm not satisfied until I can push it up smoothly. Wish I was shorter - having long arms isn't helpful at times! :p

However that's not bad lifting for your bodyweight Gaz :) Anything over 100k on bench is good in my eyes.
Hey guys, i can not decide on BB or Pwr lifter TBH.

All my targets are to lift heavy so i gues in that respect pwr lifter, but then the physicue (SP?) i want is not pwr lift but BB...

Ill post my routine etc in a progress thread ill make now tonight (on a 14 hour night shift - time to eat!!)

Had a good session last night beat my PB with dips, dipping 27.5KG for 6 after 4 other sets leading up to the 27.5 unsure of 1 rpm...
ill take your word for it mate as i havent gone through it yet :)

But with squatting i got from 100K up to 155 in about 8 months or so, have lost a little but l8tly though :(

bet your ass has gotten several inches further from the floor too. Find a 6inch box and squat to that, then come back and tell me that you went from 100-155 quickly

I got up near the 160 mark myself before i kicked my own ass about my form. I'm currently heaving a massive 110 for reps. Makes hell of a change but at least i KNOW im doin it right
bet your ass has gotten several inches further from the floor too. Find a 6inch box and squat to that, then come back and tell me that you went from 100-155 quickly

I got up near the 160 mark myself before i kicked my own ass about my form. I'm currently heaving a massive 110 for reps. Makes hell of a change but at least i KNOW im doin it right

I have to agree with you here, I see it all the time. Im working out with somebody, we're told to do 8 reps and they do 6 or 7 thinking I didnt count. They arn't cheating anyone but them selves tbh.
Sorry guys but i'm quite offended by that remark (Cheating? not doing it right?). I squat to just below parallel always have. Not sure if this is 6" off the floor or not tbh but i have always been taught that parallel or just below is good form i have been doing it this way for approx 2 yrs and on and off appox 3 years before that

To clear up any confusion i'm talking about going from 100K reps to 150K 1RPM..

I was doing the 20 rep squat routine and got to 127.5 x20 reps. (Parallel with spotter) & after the 20th rep i litteraly could not walk i was shaking for about 5-6 min afterwards; I also KNOW im am doing it right. Reading over previous post i may have not made that clear.

So i am "Now back to tell you" that i went from 100K for reps up to 127K for reps with a 155K RPM max.

Hope that clears that up.
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Don't take it as offence Jack - we're all friends here :)

Squatting is just one of those exercises that are seldom done correctly. I personally feel that even a 90% squat is doing some good and building strength, ok so it may not count in a competition, but if it's making you stronger and you're getting the gains you want from it then for me, frankly, that's good enough... as long as you drop the weights and attempt proper deep squats. :)

ATG (ass to grass) squats are great when doing front squats too, you go way beyond parallel.

No one (well I wasn't anyway) was doubting your progress mate, it's just there have been a few bench and bicep monkeys in this thread in the past and sometimes we take things a bit too seriously. :) U_E's a good guy - he's just after perfection from himself and everyone else in the game. :)
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