OcUK Powerlifting Totals

If building for mass what would be the ideal range and time for performing a rep?

From what I understand the mass building section of the repitition is heavily involved within the negative. The slower the negative the more intense the rep. The more intense the rep the more tears caused in the muscle and as a result more hypertrophy.

4 second negatives are good I found. Not too long. Be prepared to drop the weight you would normally use down a fair bit. Coupled with no lockout and strict rest intervals it's quite demanding.
As with trying anything new you should expect some DOMS as it's a different load/intensity than you are used to. Plus slow negatives increase DOMS about 5 fold for me! :p
Reps, tempos, training styles all mean nothing if you are lacking 'mind-muscle' connection. Get your head right and really feel what you are doing, it will be more beneficial than any other training technique.
Very impressive at your age Neon!

My chest is the most lacking part by far.
I can deadlift 130x6 for 3 sets. Or 145x1
Squat 120x6 for 3 sets.
But can only bench 80 x4 and nearly fail on the 4th rep.

So hard.

Going to be aiming for a 160kg deadlift for the summer.
I don't have 1RMs for squat and deadlift but I may aswell put my lifts up.

Squat: 125kg x 5
Deadlift 135kg x3
Bench 102kg x1

17th birthday coming up in February :D

My bench at 16 was roughly 80 kilos so you can imagine the difference between us with squat and deadlift at that age, have a big whack on the back:D.
Have a look here

Junior (20-23) Unequiped 75kg class British records
SQ WILKINSON Steve (2007) 197.5
BN WOOLF Julian (1992) 127.5
DL WILKINSON Steve (2008) 245
TOT WILKINSON Steve (2009) 547.5
Thanks for that!

There's currently no record for unequipped squat at 67.5kg.
Bench is 115kg, in all honesty I don't think I could beat that, I struggle on this 100KG+ without a spotter, I've got a serious mental barrier on the bench.
Deadlift unequipped is 160KG.

So I can at least break two records without additional training. The current total record is 460KG unequipped. Mine is at 440KG but both bench and squat have had spotters.

Weighed in at 71KG so dropping another 10lb whilst maintaining the strength might be a little challenge.

Has anyone here competed before?
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Thanks for that!

There's currently no record for unequipped squat at 67.5kg.
Bench is 115kg, in all honesty I don't think I could beat that, I struggle on this 100KG+ without a spotter, I've got a serious mental barrier on the bench.
Deadlift unequipped is 160KG.

So I can at least break two records without additional training. The current total record is 460KG unequipped. Mine is at 440KG but both bench and squat have had spotters.

Weighed in at 71KG so dropping another 10lb whilst maintaining the strength might be a little challenge.

Has anyone here competed before?

gbpf has records, might be worth looking on their site.
Losing a few lb to hit a weight can be quite simple, few guides online.
At the gym yesterday I attempted 230kg after 4 warm up sets, 100, 140, 180, 200. Got the bar off the ground, just couldn't get my legs under it.

I was watched by an old friend and Olympic athlete (discus thrower) who gave me some tips. Firstly he said I have an incredibly strong core as my core was tightly locked out, and was actually impressed that I was lifting the weight with my core alone. What he meant was that he'd have already had started to put his legs under the back and focus hard on the glutes and ham much much earlier in the lift - i.e. effectively leaning back against the bar, looking straight up, and driving up. He says I have no issues with form or strength and he can see me lifting an additional 20kg without much problem.

He's likely to be training at my gym for a while so I'm going to snaffle some tips off him!

Managed 140kg bench after a few warm up sets, and then a fairly straight forward 100x10 - so strength is coming back ready to be pushing up some big numbers this year!

Weight has dropped to 96kg too - so a veritable lightweight to what I used to be, and looking better for it - ready to get fat again! :D
Well, more like conditioning. Upped the intensity a bit, added more HIIT and circuit routines. Lost an inch around the waist already, much much more vascular, i.e. the cephalic vein is clearly visible from teh elbow all the way up the shoulder when training hard - never seen it before. Much more definition in the legs. My core strength is also hugely improved which is great. My serratus are much more defined now as well.

Strength wise apart from not achieving any more PBs, my bench is still high, my deads are still strong, and squats as well are still good (doing over 30 reps on 140kg for example (not in one go clearly :p). So still have the strength.

My big aims were to try and trim up a bit, and get back up to strength before hitting agvt again.

This year will be the year of 600kg for me. I can feel it in my bones! :D
Indeed very impressive. 3rd (maybe 1st if you just did 1RM) highest bench. The squat and dead are obviously good as well but 4 plates on bench seems so far out of reach for me :)
Thanks lads.

No roids FF, not now not ever mate! That would be taking things too far for me. Bodyweight is around 15stone 8Ibs but not lean i'm afraid. Just been concentrating on strength gains rather than pure bodybuilding. I'm craving to get back into usual routine though with plenty of cardio work which i've neglected lately, so looking forward to getting back on the mountain bike.
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Well done Jeffstar:)

Hey Freefaller why isnt there any + next to my lifts, all my lifts were more than 1 rep:(.
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