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OcUK RTX4080 16GB review thread

Well yes due to chip designation, but realistically anyone on 1080P-1440P is literally getting a monster of a card with the 4080.
Of course, but the capability of the 4080 isn't in doubt, it's NV's price point that's shady as ****, it's just some folks don't like people saying NV's the worst culprit, can't be having that, I'd much prefer unwittingly standing in dug ***** than cow *****!
Of course, but the capability of the 4080 isn't in doubt, it's NV's price point that's shady as ****, it's just some folks don't like people saying NV's the worst culprit, can't be having that, I'd much prefer unwittingly standing in dug ***** than cow *****!
Oh behave I was only gripping the point that 4080 is definitely high end, price yeah I agree.
Just check out carbon road bikes, there's 13 ranging from £10k - £14,500 at sigma sport right now
Prices should stabilise with consumer willingness fairly soon

Difference is though there has always been bikes in that sort of price range. Yeah there has always been gpus in the £1000+ category but in the past that was reserved for the halo products. Nvidia are trying to make these prices the norm.

Also with regards to bikes you can get a bike for 10-20% of the price of those and have pretty much the same experience. You can't buy a new gpu for £100-200 that will provide a decent gaming experience.
Oh behave

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Prices only got to where they are because of Crypto demand. Nvidia choosing to keep prices at the same level is another story altogether.
You must be new here. For months miners were blamed directly for sky high prices. Over 2 months ago ETH mining ended, and yet prices are still sky high and no flood of free gpus.
For months miners were blamed directly for sky high prices

Quite rightly...the whole scummy enterprise, Which is hilarioulsy continuing to implode :D , was responsible for Nvidia thinking they could launch the 4080 at $1199.

Cause & effect.
Over 2 months ago ETH mining ended, and yet prices are still sky high and no flood of free gpus.

Prices for new cards have at least pretty much returned to their (still too expensive, IMO) MSRP's, which were completely ignored during the mining craze, and special offers abound on lots of cards.

..and I have no clue by what you mean 'free GPUs', no one was (seriously) expecting that.
Prices for new cards have at least pretty much returned to their (still too expensive, IMO) MSRP's, which were completely ignored during the mining craze, and special offers abound on lots of cards.

I struggle to accept your statement. In light of what you are speaking about, Ampere cards are still at or above MSRP from two years ago. Historically when hardware was being superseded and definitely when it was old stock, prices went below the msrp to clear inventory and 'offers' or 'deals' were aplenty! As this has not happened and we have months of evidence to look at, blaming miners is proving to be a distraction from the real problem. Where you are correct is the part where nvidia/retailers are still too expensive.

There is no shortage or scarcity of parts here. They are just blatantly over-priced.

Take Tired for example. He recently got a 6900XT for £650. That is below msrp and its a card almost two years old on previous gen. Its msrp is meant to be £999 IIRC. I cant say the same for the ampere stock.
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That GPU tier was created purely by Nvidia to milk the fools who had more money than sense. The fact they got away with it meant they could keep pushing the limits. Now Nvidia have decided that not just the very top mug edition GPUs should cost £1250 plus, but even the former mupper mid tier ones.

AMD of course got in on the act and they see no reason to be seen as the cheap brand. 20% markeshare at £1k+ is better than 30% of the market at £500 - £600.

So what has changed since then?

You say it was a GPU to milk people. How about £2200 4090s?

All it did was set the stage. Sure, so Ampere was supposedly "cheap". But that was only because Samsung was cheap.

BTW as for the reply to my post about mining being around since 2009? I know. But it became non profitable right before Turing. So Turing prices were not inflated at all by mining, until it started again just before Ampere. Launch prices of Turing were in a calm market, with no mining going on (at least not on a global scale) and there was no Covid. If you skip out the Ampere and Covid bit? it is now worse than ever. At a point where people have the least disposable income since the 70s.

There was no shortage of Turing at all and the prices barely changed. There was one small moment right before Ampere and Covid where they did drop, but they were still LOLprice.

Big Navi cost *a lot* more to produce than Ampere. Think Lovelace prices.

BTW lest we not forget this thing.


How much again? oh yeah, £2300. The only thing they have done is remove the Titan name. Because of the disgusting power use. So the 90 cards are just rebadged Titans. And oddly enough unless you are lucky enough to buy a FE from Nvidia whilst they cut out the middleman? they also cost £2300.
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Just having a look at sold prices for the 3080 FE and they are actually selling for £600+ 2nd hand so if you managed to get a £650 3080 2 years ago you only lose £50! ( i took a £600 hit on 3090 sale ) will then cost you £670 to upgrade to a 4080 , while its still less than ideal once all said and done that isn't too bad ( was £600 for my upgrade ) if you want more performance . Its not a justification for the price just an option you could take to make it a bit less harsh .
It will still cost £1270 unless you got the 3080 for free.
Oh man it actually makes me sad to think how much money people will lose selling on GPUs they bought during Covid. I tried my absolute best to avoid buying anything during that. I got a semi duff 2080Ti for £480 about a month before that all kicked off, and just struggled on with it. I did buy a water block for it, but that was only because I wanted it. It already had one, just not as nice. Thankfully it only showed severe signs of distress about three weeks back and I have managed to replace it with a 6700XT for £350.

The only card I literally will not sell now is the 2080Ti Kingpin I paid £1700 for. For what I would get? yeah, nah. That said, at the time I bought it (end of March 2020) it was not jacked up in price and that was the RRP. And besides, the money I literally wasted on it was a windfall from something I had long forgotten about. Will be nice to have though, given there will never be any more of those. Can't even say I regret it all that much either because it too got me through all the Covid and mining testicles.
It will still cost £1270 unless you got the 3080 for free.
Most probably mined the hell out their 3080 and got them for free :cry: , it will cost £670 extra to upgrade once you got back the almost £650 you payed for a 3080 initially

On a side not why the hell are people paying £600+ for a used 2 year old 3080, they should be selling for £300 to £350 .
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Find it funny miners still being blamed for high prices, months after mining stopped.
It's 100% down to crypto mining for 2 reasons,

1 nvidia have a tonne of stock left that they were planning to sell to miners but when ethereum took a dump so did Nvidias sales so now they are pricing the new gen cards above old gen and restricting it's supply.

2 When prices went up during the previous mining booms nvidia also realised that some gamers were prepared to pay a lot more too, this started with the 1080ti which shot up to 1k+ when ethereum took off so when Turing came out nvidia thought they test the water with the 2080ti and enough people bought it. Nvidia also seen that some gamers would pay £1200+ For the 3080 during the recent boom so now the 4080 goes for £1270+
Most probably mined the hell out their 3080 and got them for free :cry: , it will cost £670 extra to upgrade once you got back the almost £650 you payed for a 3080 initially

On a side not why the hell are people paying £600+ for a used 2 year old 3080, they should be selling for £300 to £350 .
Yeah I made a few k but I'm not handing that over to nvidia for a product I don't feel is worth the money, I would be wanting a 4090 at the minimum for £1200.
Yeah I made a few k but I'm not handing that over to nvidia for a product I don't feel is worth the money, I would be wanting a 4090 at the minimum for £1200.
Yeah i will put my hand up and say i done very well out of it as well and obviously that is for us to keep not pass on to Nvidia to say thanks , was just saying that the option is there for those that want to upgrade and the fact the 3080 are still fetching ( imo ) crazy money 2nd hand it certainly makes the swap that bit easier and can understand if people went down that route as i did with the 3090 > 4090 although as i put earlier i took a £600 hit, if it was only a £50 hit i would be over the moon tbh :cry:
Yeah i will put my hand up and say i done very well out of it as well and obviously that is for us to keep not pass on to Nvidia to say thanks , was just saying that the option is there for those that want to upgrade and the fact the 3080 are still fetching ( imo ) crazy money 2nd hand it certainly makes the swap that bit easier and can understand if people went down that route as i did with the 3090 > 4090 although as i put earlier i took a £600 hit, if it was only a £50 hit i would be over the moon tbh :cry:
I'm happy to stare nvidia down for another 2 years if I have to and I certainly won't be blinking first, I could be tempted on a 7900XTX though if it gets close to a 4090 in raster and doesn't cost much over 1k.
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