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OcUK RTX4080 16GB review thread

Your answer why is here :-


They are also missing a Titan Z that sold for $3000.

The price and the VRAM amounts, 3090/ti were meant to be the real Titans of that Ampere generation, Ampere Titan X and XP, but AMD made them change their card naming and move every card up a tier in chip as you know because they had real performing cards the 6900xt/6950xt and 6800xt. Also the real 3080 should have been on GA103, the chip that ended up in laptops as 3080ti with 16GB VRAM ;).

The 3090 was a steal at £1400 for pro users and gamers really didn't need to apply to buy one unless they used Sims or games that were heavily modded and needed the extra VRAM and also people on VR could have made good use of them too, the rest that purchased them well that was their choice and in most cases forced to buy them because as we all know unicorns in the form of 3080fe's were hard to get and AIBS were stupidly priced and then the miners came in and scalping, which made even 3090s go over £3000+ and the 3080 10GB for £1500+, so why people purchased them is right here and was right in front of us all during the release of the 30 series class cards.

Also you should know this as you had a 3080FE and sold it to CEX for over £1600+ during all that mess :p

What I am saying is how does one go from 3090 being a steal at £1399 to thinking 4090 at £1699 is taking the ****? To me both of those cards were crap value for gamers. As for pro’s is there something that makes the 4090 no good?

Yep, was lovely selling my 3080 to CEX for £1620. Could have easily got a 3090 FE instead of a 3070 FE with the money, but what’s the point of that? Because a few people on here say the vram is not enough? Lol. I made do with a 3070 for a year or so and now have 3090 performance for around a third the price :D
What I am saying is how does one go from 3090 being a steal at £1399 to thinking 4090 at £1699 is taking the ****? To me both of those cards were crap value for gamers. As for pro’s is there something that makes the 4090 no good?

Yep, was lovely selling my 3080 to CEX for £1620. Could have easily got a 3090 FE instead of a 3070 FE with the money, but what’s the point of that? Because a few people on here say the vram is not enough? Lol. I made do with a 3070 for a year or so and now have 3090 performance for around a third the price :D

For pros there is no NVLINK and no increase in VRAM, it's a downgrade for me as I lose cuda cores and VRAM pooling, I have more cuda cores with 2 x 3090s and twice the VRAM.. So 2 x 3090 =20,992 vs 16,384 4090 cuda cores and 48GB VRAM on 2 x 3090 pooled vs 24GB 4090 as no NVLINK to pool the cuda cores and VRAM.

An important feature for pro users and Titan class gpus, but Nvidia has crippled that as ADA has no silicon on the chips for NVLINK, even their A series ADA is the same and why they still sell and make the Ampere A series that has 48GB and x 2 = 96GB VRAM and pooling the cuda cores too.

4090 is a gaming card not a pro card anymore, 90 class has really become 80ti class with the 4090 and why it is over priced compared to 3090/ti before it.
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Sure you have said this before like Purg? :p

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Yet people did buy them and some still will. Thankfully it looks like Nvidia are running out of willing victims.

I am hoping they are finding their “we’ve gone too far limit”, and some sense prevails. This is genuinely the very worst executed release of a GPU range NVidia have ever done. In my opinion it’s all down to NVIDIA’s arrogance and greed, they just started believing their own hype.

Well said. Hopefully sometime in 2023 we will see some adjustments to the prices and these companies will catch themselves on.
That means I would be accepting and justifying Nvidia price hike paying for the 4080 which in my book is insulting so no I would not sell the 3080 and add in rest to buy the 4080

I don't buy season ticket it's expensive I watch it by other cheaper means and still enjoy it , just like people out there willing to pay for 4090

I like to get most value and strictly stay £500-£750
Yes but if you did buy a season ticket it would be more, that was my point. £20-£30 a month cost for enthusiast level GPU every two years is not unreasonable and this is how I present it to my wife :)
I think they're taking the "rising tide lifts all boats" approach. Milk the whales and FOMO credit dudes in the first round, regroup and announce some small price drops a little later catching another wave. The eventual aim though is to raise the price to the mass market. Force them to part with £500 for a 60Ti or £650 for a 70Ti. Look how "cheap" they are compared with the £1,000 80 class cards.

The mistake they make is that, whilst £500 is loose change in their world, the average buyer has to think carefully before parting with it. There are also a lot more calls on buyers money now and disposable income is being squeezed.
Yes but if you did buy a season ticket it would be more, that was my point. £20-£30 a month cost for enthusiast level GPU every two years is not unreasonable and this is how I present it to my wife :)
This is how they get you. It's not the absolute cost, I don't mind spending £20/month on something, but I'm not spending £20 when it should be £10/month ;)
Yes but if you did buy a season ticket it would be more, that was my point. £20-£30 a month cost for enthusiast level GPU every two years is not unreasonable and this is how I present it to my wife :)

You can twist it how ever you like if you failing to see what they are doing I don't know what to say and I'll just stop now
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Yes but if you did buy a season ticket it would be more, that was my point. £20-£30 a month cost for enthusiast level GPU every two years is not unreasonable and this is how I present it to my wife :)
The 4080 is not even an enthusiast level GPU it's a mid range card sold as high end.

The 4090 is over 30% faster and isn't even the full die either so when a 4090ti gets released that will be 45% faster which is about the same gap between a 3070ti and a 3090ti.
tbh all nvidia has totally misjudged the market . and so dealers have to find room for unsold stock price should be nearer £800.00 in line with last gen rtx3080

I don't think we can say that. We are the informed enthusiasts who know better, but time and time again it's the uninformed masses that make up the bulk of buyers. We have to just sit here and watch what they will do.

Prices are still chaos out there. There are still 30 series at over £2000. Prices in general are still way too high. We really need some stability and rationality to return to the market. My one fear in this is that people are just used to huge prices on graphics cards now. We know they are too high, but what about the mass of buyers who really just don't know?

One thing I have noticed over the years is that there are some that just buy on hype alone, but there are loads of people who don't really know much but they listen to the word on the street. The 4090 is a good buy, the word has got around and people have bought them, even if they have no idea what they are buying exactly (people with 1080p monitors for example, lol). But it does look like the word is around that that the 4080 is poor value for money, no one is buying them. We just have to wait and see.

I am hoping the lesson of the 4080 will drive not just the NVIDIA down in price but the AMD too. Lets face it, they are overpriced as well. At least AMD seem to be doing something with their prices at the moment, but even three years ago I would have been horrified at the current sale prices.
This is how they get you. It's not the absolute cost, I don't mind spending £20/month on something, but I'm not spending £20 when it should be £10/month ;)
Especially in todays economic climate, it's nothing compared to what it was 2-3 years ago. We've just been through a pretty severe pandemic about to hit a pretty big recession and there's a war raging causing supply issues around the world. Ontop of all that it's causing cost of living to sky rocket in which a lot of regular folk who use to be able to fork out for expensive tech is now having to pay for a £3000 leccy bill instead. Food prices have hit pretty high not to mention fuel as well.

I get the feeling nvidia is very out of touch with the real world, just like our current pm :cry:
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The 4080 is not even an enthusiast level GPU it's a mid range card sold as high end.

The 4090 is over 30% faster and isn't even the full die either so when a 4090ti gets released that will be 45% faster which is about the same gap between a 3070ti and a 3090ti.

Exactly. Should have been no more than £699 and even that is stretching it.
I'm not really buying the whole '4080 pricing is to drive people towards the 4090 or 30-series' argument we've been hearing. That may have been the desired outcome but I guarantee you Jensen didn't want 4080's sat on shelves (especially not the Founder's Editions). That's cancer to the board partners and retailers. Neither are going to want to make a loss on these things and if retailers have cards they can't sell they're going to stop ordering cards. Nvidia already has a glut of 30-series, the last thing they want is the same thing with the 40-series.

To me it looks like price cuts to the 30-series and 4080 are inevitable - they've tried everything else and it's just not working.
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I'm not really buying the whole '4080 pricing is to drive people towards the 4090 or 30-series' argument we've been hearing. That may have been the desired outcome but I guarantee you Jensen didn't want 4080's sat on shelves (especially not the Founder's Editions). That's cancer to the board partners and retailers. Neither are going to want to make a loss on these things and if retailers have cards they can't sell they're going to stop ordering cards. Nvidia already has a glut of 30-series, the last thing they want is the same thing with the 40-series.

To me it looks like price cuts to the 30-series and 4080 are inevitable - they've tried everything else and it's just not working.

I wouldn't bank on it. NVIDIA already ordered too many 40 series. You can't change your mind with chip production, they have to take what is manufactured, what you pre-ordered. You would think that in the light of that NVIDIA would have introduced the 40 series at much more reasonable prices to ensure they sell, but for some insane reason they decided to almost double the price. Makes absolutely no sense to me, but that's the thing, NVIDIA's policy never makes any sense to anyone, so who knows what they will do next. I actually don't care. Whatever they do, it won't be enough. I think one youtuber hit the nail on the head for me. He said there is a psychological barrier at £1000. I just can't see NVIDIA partners going below that barrier, meaning my most likely purchase will be an AMD.
I think one youtuber hit the nail on the head for me. He said there is a psychological barrier at £1000. I just can't see NVIDIA partners going below that barrier, meaning my most likely purchase will be an AMD.
The problem is, that even though the 7900's may be cheaper (MSRP anyway - AIB will be >$1000) and have comparable/better performance to the 4080, I think the prices are still much too high on the AMD cards to sway (many) potential customers that haven't bought into AMD before.
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