Nvidia are far worse can't stand them, but for some AMD are immune to any sort of criticism yes they are providing better deals from this sh#t show of a generation but let's not pretend they ain't also playing us
Absolutely agree. I thought the 7900 XT and even XTX release prices were a total joke. The fact they renamed the true 7800 XT replacement was not my problem though. It was that they increased the price by almost 40% from $650 to $900, and the performance about the same. So we got literally zero price/perf increase.
The ONLY reason AMD priced it like this was to sell the 7900 XTX. They are doing the same with the 7700 XT to sell the 7800 XT. The only positive is that at least the 7700 XT and 7800 XT do provide a decent price/perf increase over last gen.
Like I said, beating Nvidia on price/performance is such a low bar, that AMD only look better by default.