[OcUK Staff Builds] Project Defiant

fitted my waterblock on my 5870, ready for leak testing! :D

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I love reading these build projects.

One day I'll do one, just need to convince the wife how much better our lifes will be with a nice water cooled PC ;)

Just out of interest, how long did it take you to plan what you intened to do with the build and then source the various components?
Bloomin ages I bet! In the process now and looking at similiar build. Bet the ocuk staff can do it quick mind, at least that's what I'm hoping when order time comes!

Lovely work, keep the updates coming :)

Just out of interest, how long did it take you to plan what you intened to do with the build and then source the various components?

Well for me it has taken ages due to the fact I constantly change my mind this project has been about 12months in the making but this is due to the fact I have changed my mind on what case to use 3 times, which blocks I am going to use, I was originally going to have quad sli with 295's but got rid of that And got Crossfire 5870's ETC ETC ETC. :D
Looking nice!

I have to agree with the choice of Masterkleer 7/16ths.... it what I used on my old Ice Dragon project and the tubing was ace to work with.

It definitly helped make my custom loop experience easier :cool:
the fact I constantly change my mind

it is a burden i have to suffer. whilst constantly offering the best advice, Chris changes his mind like David Bechhams hairstlyes, this is never a good thing when it comes to computer hardware

somehow this system avoided being trapped inside a Thermaltake Level 10

if OcUK had them in stock at the time, the system would be in that and not a TJ07.

we have Ace Modder and Fatboy to thank for avoiding this nasty situation.

I'm really interested with what you've done with the motherboard tray, got any info and or more pictures of it?
Ok as promised here is an image of the MOBO with blocks and pipework, sorry for the low quality image I will post some better quality ones shortly


Enjoy :D
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