[OcUK Staff Builds] Project Defiant

Very nice build there Chris, I see the Tj07 is the case of win still, and IMO " the best case"

Good work there.
rjkoneill > **case of champions**

Couldn't agree more, cracking case, got a FTO1 here best case l've ever had > Silverstone need l say more. :cool:
Ok small update I have now just got my solid state in and up and running.

I was originally going to go for the 256gb Crucial C300 drive, however sense got the better of me and I have gone for the 128gb version instead. Anyway here is a crystal disk mark screen. I have to say this drive is amazingly quick.

I may Sell my C300 drive and then purchase a Revo drive but definately want to see how trim etc is supported by these drives before buying another drive.

Going to be investing in a new sound card soon as the Blue lights on the doughter card are doing my tree in, do not want

Finally lost the Supreme FX board and the really annoying Blue LED'S that come along with it.

Now got a nice new Asus Zonar Essence STX which comes with the headphone AMP built in and I have to say that I am Blown away by the difference in sound. I always thought the Supreme FX was good but didnt realise that it could be bettered by such a large margin.

Plans on the Horizon - I have overclocked the system again and again and again. Now got it stable at 4.4Mhz with 1600Mhz on the memory, but temperatures just arent as low as I would like and my room is now like a sauna so back to the drawing board.

I have always liked the Idea of TEC's and have been facinated by how they function. There are several different ways that you can use them none of them are very asthetically pleasing so I plan to develop something else that will be (or at least I am going to try!). I am not looking to go silly with the temps here I am looking to reduce temps over the hole loop by 10-20degrees nothing ground breaking but enough to get a little more headroom for overclocking and stability

So the first major problem with TEC's is the pure amount of power that they need and consume to work effectively. The other problem with them is mounting them, there are two main ways that this can be done, you can use them as a sandwich between CPU and Waterblock/heatsink or you can mount them on a rad so it cools this directly.

I dont like the first method of mounting them as you have to pack the CPU socket full of Grease ETC

Like this

Which looks like a massive problem waiting to happen, the second option would be to mount the TEC's to my Rads and cool them directly unfortunately this would be an option if the bottom of my TJ wasn't already cramped.

So along comes option number 3 - Make a TEC waterblock to act as a small waterchiller. or at least thats the plan.

so after much reading it looks like this is a viable option. First off Need to find a PSU for it and it needs to be variable and meet the power ratings of the TEC's that I am going to use.

So I managed to find a Bench PSU that is Variable offering 15V at up to 30Amps which will therefore provide me with 450Watts of power at these ratings also with the added advantage that it is variable so when the extra cooling isnt needed it can be throttled down so I dont need to invest in E-ON Shares! :D

Although the PSU that I am looking at is an external one and has its own power switch ETC I want the unit to switch on when my computer does so I will need to wire in a relay into the mains power going to the unit for this I will be using a CRYDOM - D2425 - Solid State Panel Mount Relay


So the next thing I ideally need to find are some TEC's that I can power of this unit and Cool my system effectively. So I plan to use 4 of these

12711-5L31-06CQ Thermoelectric/Peltier Module


These should then when run at their maximum which is 15.2V @ 6Amps provide 51.4Watts of heat dissapation each giving me a total of around 205.6Watts total.

Now each of these has a Hot side and a Cold side for each of these I will be using a Waterblock, one to cool the components in the loop then another to mainain the temps on the hot side.

These are what I plan to use for this -



Then I will have to run Dual loops one to cool the TEC'S and one to cool the System itself.

I will post more when I start to gather parts and experiment with them.
I wouldn't go for a tech mounted on the cpu, you would need a good TEC to cool a hex core i7 on full tilt, and some nice cooling to get rid of the heat produced by both the CPU & TEC

To cool that above, why not have a full cover block made?
I wouldn't go for a tech mounted on the cpu, you would need a good TEC to cool a hex core i7 on full tilt, and some nice cooling to get rid of the heat produced by both the CPU & TEC

To cool that above, why not have a full cover block made?

I hear what you are saying my plan is to use a waterblock to run in line so it cools the loop, the stock heat output of the chip is 125W so when its clocked it will be more but with around 200W that will be combatted by the TEC'S it should run a lot cooler. I am hoping to run the loop at around 70degrees under full load although lower will be better but I will have to run the test set up first to get an idea of what temps I can realistically get.

The temp difference on the TEC'S I plan to buy is 68 degrees so I figure I Should be able to cool them enough to get half of that figure knocked off my temps. fingers crossed! :D
Looks a good build, cant wait to see when the build is updated with more pictures
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just my 2 cents about those Thermoelectric/Peltier Module thingy's.

A few years ago back in the gcse days my mate bought a couple for his project. The ones he got ran so hot that the wires fell off, and just generally fell part. Im sure they would have been improved since then (nearly 7-8 years ago), but deffo test them thoroughly.
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