** OcUK Tech Labs Fathom All in One Custom Cooler **

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I'm also one of those people who wants to take the plunge, but I'm just not feeling too confident about the performance of it due to the lack of reviews.
How would you expect the single radiator version to perform on a 2500k @ 4.5? Currently running a K2, idle is 28-31 and load is 58-61?
Guys that isn't a like for like review, its the Eisberg AIO, the Fathom uses the Eisberg block but different radiators, fittings, tubing and fans.

So that link is actually of no use whatsoever!

I am glad you found out how bad they are i was considering one of these but wont bother now.
But i don't understand how O.C said they where so good when the review says there not.

This review is coolermaster stock tubing, radiator and liquid. Far different from ocuk to use their own tubing, radiator and liquid etc. Still waiting for ocuk review but I won't get my hope up too high now. That's the reason I won't buying at the moment.
I just give up. They are taking it too long. I won't be bother asked again.


So who were the review samples sent to? Want to keep an eye out as these interest me a lot.

cant say, shouldn't me much longer now.

I am glad you found out how bad they are i was considering one of these but wont bother now.
But i don't understand how O.C said they where so good when the review says there not.

that review is for the coolermaster version which uses a cheap radiator and fans. the only thing it has in common is the eisberg pump

the eisberg when fitted to good parts like we have is much much better.

as i said, 5GHz AMD cpu with no thermal throttling.

the review will put your minds at rest.


do you really think myself, a watercooling expert and 8pack, the best overclocker in the UK would bother putting something online like this if it didnt work like we said it did?

cant say, shouldn't me much longer now.

that review is for the coolermaster version which uses a cheap radiator and fans. the only thing it has in common is the eisberg pump

the eisberg when fitted to good parts like we have is much much better.

as i said, 5GHz AMD cpu with no thermal throttling.

the review will put your minds at rest.


do you really think myself, a watercooling expert and 8pack, the best overclocker in the UK would bother putting something online like this if it didnt work like we said it did?

Really cant wait to see the review, I read that other one on the cooler master product but the whole time I was reasoning "Bigger tubes, better fans, OCUK" still a rough ETA would be good, week or two?

cant say, shouldn't me much longer now.

that review is for the coolermaster version which uses a cheap radiator and fans. the only thing it has in common is the eisberg pump

the eisberg when fitted to good parts like we have is much much better.

as i said, 5GHz AMD cpu with no thermal throttling.

the review will put your minds at rest.


do you really think myself, a watercooling expert and 8pack, the best overclocker in the UK would bother putting something online like this if it didnt work like we said it did?

Not to mention the reviewer isn't exactly renowned for impartial reviews.
How long is the warranty on these cooling solutions, I cannot see it listed within the product description.

Good question it's at least on year with ocuk systems as we put it together but the pump might have a longer warranty. If rjk sees this I'm sure he will tell you or ask and let you know. Obviously the rad and tubing won't suddenly go faulty.
How would you expect the single radiator version to perform on a 2500k @ 4.5? Currently running a K2, idle is 28-31 and load is 58-61?
Curious about this too snips, though i have my k2 on a 4.5ghz 4770k that hits 94c in p95. Therefore im very interested in the 240mm rad version. Also id regain my top most pcie slot which would allow me to go back to using my xonar DX audio card. Plus with red fans and coolant it would look rather snazzy along with my board.:D
I've no doubt the OcUK Fathom will perform better than the CM AIO unit, but the review says the Eisberg pump unit itself has unacceptable noise levels, and always has. Of course that's a subjective opinion, but if other reveiws raise the same point I'll be looking for a different solution.
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