Probably a good idea to get it setup and at least First Steps installed before christmas, otherwise it'll be one of those presents that you get excited about but can't use for an hour or two whilst setup is going on!
Make sure the lenses are alright too whilst you can return it.
That and it gives you an excuse to have a play .
Yeah I have 3 days off in a week or so as its our turn for Christmas day so I can imagine I need to set it up before the day. Also need to see if you can still sideload stuff so I can load Beat Saber with your own music.
Give me something to read through (and this thread) whilst bored WFH.
i wear glasses (with a very high prescription)
i use the VR Cover interface and i do not have the Quest 2 prescription lenses, works ok for me using the GOMVR strap from Ali Express
Think I had a VR Cover interface for the Quest 1 they were a bit hard to get hold of.
update: managed to recover my Oculus account and there about 12 games in there so dont have to buy Beat Saber etc again. Been reading through last 10 pages and forgot it took me a while to get my VR legs too.
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