*** Oculus Quest 2 Owners Thread ***

If you don't have them I can reccomend beatsaber, in death, eleven table tennis, the climb and thrill of the fight for quest . The last 3 of those are cross buy.

Hi mate, I got the standard version of In Death so it seems I still have 25% which I can use on the table tennis game...was just curious about space required because the advertised 2mx2m is a killer!?
Hi mate, I got the standard version of In Death so it seems I still have 25% which I can use on the table tennis game...was just curious about space required because the advertised 2mx2m is a killer!?

You'll want it sideways. Forwards and backwards you've got a bit more slack.
You'll want it sideways. Forwards and backwards you've got a bit more slack.

Don't worry as long as you have about a metre of fresh air in front of you, it should be fine.

I picked up a Quest 2 for my 9 year old nephew last week:)

Thanks, I figured might be like that. Won't be such an issue after Christmas...I just feel getting a game which is for Quest only, I'm probably better off getting something that requires minimal lag - I already have Beat Sabre on PSVR so this seems like a good shout.
I echo what others have said.... You can get away with the forwards and backwards but side to side it needs a fair bit. Not to the floor tho, so a sofa orna chair for instance to your left and right is not such a problem.
Considering a Quest 2 purchase but have never really explored VR beyond using the Samsung Gear VR with my Galaxy S10.

Prob a silly question, but will I notice a significant difference in terms of visual quality between the Quest 2 and a Gear VR? I am actually mostly interested in using it for watching films in the virtual cinema.

It will be night and day. It was so for my rift and gear VR and this is significantly better than both.
i want to buy this game, will it give me the Quest version instead of the windows version?


Considering a Quest 2 purchase but have never really explored VR beyond using the Samsung Gear VR with my Galaxy S10.

Prob a silly question, but will I notice a significant difference in terms of visual quality between the Quest 2 and a Gear VR? I am actually mostly interested in using it for watching films in the virtual cinema.

The visual quality is excellent - I'm using it to watch 3D movies and TV shows on huge cinema screens and you can't see the individual pixels. It's very sharp.

But what will really blow you away coming from the Gear VR is the tracking, and having full freedom of movement and hands in VR.
i want to buy this game, will it give me the Quest version instead of the windows version?


Here's a list of Rift titles with "cross-buy":

Oculus Cross-buying Apps experiences | Oculus | Oculus

Currently on sale:
  • Down the Rabbit Hole - £10.49 (-30%)
  • Path of the Warrior - £7.99 (-46%)
  • Layers of Fear - £10.99 (-26%)
  • Shadow Point - £7.99 (-46%)
  • The Exorcist: Legion - £14.77 (-22%)
  • Cave Digger - £10.49 (-30%)
  • The Wizards - Enhanced Edition - £9.55 (-49%)
  • End Space - £2.75 (-75%)
  • Wands - £7.99 (-46%)
  • Guns'n'Stories: Bulletproof - £2.30 (-71%)
  • Titans of Space PLUS - £5.35 (-33%)
I think the latest oculus update Oculus app version may have bricked the link to my Q2. I can select link in the Q2 settings and it tries to connect to the PC and then comes back with a link error.
I tried the official cable to see if it was my other cable that was at fault, but no go. Factory reset the Q2 and the issue persists. Ho-hum.... time to re-install the oculus software. :mad:

And after reinstalling the oculus software, when I enable the link connection it still stalls and reverts to the quest room not the oculus room. But now in the oculus notifications it's telling me that the quest has no audio. :mad::mad:

Update - uninstalled steamVR, uninstalled oculus software and re-installed the oculus software. The quest still is unable to connect to the PC via the link cables, but the OG rift still works fine. Maybe the quest needs to go back to the seller?

Here's a list of Rift titles with "cross-buy":

Oculus Cross-buying Apps experiences | Oculus | Oculus

Currently on sale:
  • Down the Rabbit Hole - £10.49 (-30%)
  • Path of the Warrior - £7.99 (-46%)
  • Layers of Fear - £10.99 (-26%)
  • Shadow Point - £7.99 (-46%)
  • The Exorcist: Legion - £14.77 (-22%)
  • Cave Digger - £10.49 (-30%)
  • The Wizards - Enhanced Edition - £9.55 (-49%)
  • End Space - £2.75 (-75%)
  • Wands - £7.99 (-46%)
  • Guns'n'Stories: Bulletproof - £2.30 (-71%)
  • Titans of Space PLUS - £5.35 (-33%)

Nice, thanks for the link! Only problem is that's making me consider re-buying Saints and Sinners for a wire-free experience! lol
The visual quality is excellent - I'm using it to watch 3D movies and TV shows on huge cinema screens and you can't see the individual pixels. It's very sharp.

But what will really blow you away coming from the Gear VR is the tracking, and having full freedom of movement and hands in VR.

Thanks! I have heard you can watch films in the cinema with other people? Is that right? How does it work? You see their avatars?
My VR Cover turned up today. I'm saving it as a Christmas present, so can't give my impressions yet, but if it's as comfy as the Quest 1 version it should make a big difference.
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