*** Oculus Quest 2 Owners Thread ***

Finished creating my first Audica map, happy with it even though I messed up a few notes when recording my playthrough.

Finally got a decent session in as everyone is out. An hour of Pistol whip, beat saber and thrill of the fight......sweaty headset! Cant wait for the strap and cover to arrive! :)
I can't play any 2d games now. They seem well, flat in comparison. If Cyberpunk was vr I'd be all over that now. Medal of Honour isn't really inspiring me to buy yet.

I still like my “flat” games on PS5 and XsX. Cyberpunk though is disappointing- kinda dull, and for the moment, Ugly. Waiting for the next gen patch next year on console as what I’ve played so far isn’t great.
I've just ordered one for santa to bring, should I be excited? I'll be a first time user

If you haven't used VR before, prepare to be blown away.

I was gasping and giggling in amazement during the First Steps demo. It's absolutely bonkers to witness for the first time; the sort of gaming moment I haven't had for a long, long time.
If you haven't used VR before, prepare to be blown away.

I was gasping and giggling in amazement during the First Steps demo. It's absolutely bonkers to witness for the first time; the sort of gaming moment I haven't had for a long, long time.

Same! Really loved mucking around. Shooting rockets at the blimp, grabbing the table tennis paddle to hit returning rockets away. Joyous.
Same! Really loved mucking around. Shooting rockets at the blimp, grabbing the table tennis paddle to hit returning rockets away. Joyous.

For me, it was that moment at the beginning, as it loads in and the world explodes in to life around you. The rest was great too, but that initial moment was where the "wow" landed for me.

Then I got hit with it again when I loaded up Echo VR.
I've just ordered one for santa to bring, should I be excited? I'll be a first time user

Absolutely. Pick up Beat Saber, Pistol Whip, and Superhot VR. Robo Recall if you have anything left. Pistol Whip and Robo are cross buy, but you’ll want the Quest Specific version of the other two.
You new guys never had the Oculus Dream deck. That was a really cool into into VR.

And the intro to Robo Recall. I was laughing and scared out of my mind at the same time. :)
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