Oculus Rift

meh, no RGB version, I want ALL my peripherals to remind me of a Christmas tree all year round. :mad:

This vid about 3m16s in, did not know that's how they were going to render games, seems less power is needed since only rendering in detail what is visible directly in front, Gameworks VR? he did mention Nvidia.

Thought about this all the way home and very excited still.

Think about it like this... If I split the cost over the year, its 44 a month. Sounds absolutely fine to me like that to experience VR. Maybe I can rent out playtime to people or something as well haha.

Not only looking forward to games, but VR media as well. I'd love news/documentaries with this. Or imagine if they stick a 360 camera on a lunar rover or something!!!

Think of the porn!
All very valid points. The Rift CV1 will make '3d films' and 'imax' seem absolutely terrible. After using my DK2 I went to an imax and thought to myself "This is nowhere near as good as using VR cinema on my DK2" Plus this cost me £15 for a couple of hours

Really? Maybe in a few years, but right now the resolution is nowhere near good enough to watch films for me.
Palmer Luckey ‏@PalmerLuckey
Some people may see their ship date move forward as fraudulent orders in queu are weeded out. Hang tight.


I'm as excited about watching media on the Rift as I am gaming, to me this isn't just a gaming device.

The post from reddit above is bang on IMO as well. The Rift and Vive (and PSVR) are all very high-end pieces of kit, essentially complex optics and displays we just haven't had before in this format.
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Im not sure i agree with that. The rift will be great for gaming but when people want to relax with a movie i feel as though wearing a headset will get tiresome. I had the gear VR and watched mad max in it. It was exciting for about 10 minutes but then it became tiresome.
Also with how little passive 3D glasses weigh and how comfy they are i think VR movies will be watched even less than 3D once the initial excitement of it wears off.

Im not sure if it was the difference between a Gear and Rift, but I try to watch as much as I can in the Rift now. MOTD is a whole new experience in the virtual desktop cinema! The quality is still the same as VHS, im not expecting that to be a huge leap on the CV1 but on the DK2 at least - the experience is unbeatable!
Follow the hyperlink in your order number on the confirmation email, you should then be able to see order status (it sends you another email with a valid tracking link).

Cheers, apparently the only way to tell your expected delivery date was the confirmation page of your order! bugger. Pretty sure im April.
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I would love to know how many they have sold so far. The site was a nightmare but I got lucky and had mine paid for by 16:04 but I came back here and see others not so lucky and orders of April and then May.
Haha, lord, imagine the hardware the 'performers' have to hold in place for POV VR porn.

No pun intended there.

ALSO, yes excited by the many non gaming applications of this as I have already said. I think I saw somewhere, okay there might be only a few AAA gaming titles that come out for this and are great, but I think this will be a sort of indie explosion of VR content (gaming/non gaming) once these hit. Its going to be amazing to fire it up every night and have another world to step into.
Eve Valkyrie does look good but the other game looks like its made for kids. And I reckon the xbox one controller and two games probably added an extra £150 on top of what it would have been at £350.

So in my opinion they should have released it barebones with no games and no joypad for £350 which would have allowed a lot more people to buy the headset now and play it with existing games and existing joypads/controllers.

Very unlikely the games and joypad are worth more than a few pounds; https://twitter.com/PalmerLuckey/status/684820392381255680

I'm skeptical about these being sold for a loss, but that could just be an initial irrational reaction. Way too much for me when so much is unknown but I was never likely to be an early adopter anyway.
Interestingly mine just failed on the fact that my processor is old (i'm not surprised its an i5-3330) but a 780 isn't enough either... Is the Ti that much more than a vanilla 780?

1440p BF3 score shows 65fps 780, 78.3fps 780Ti. So yes.

There are videos you youtube stating its obsolete but that crap because my 780Ti scores higher than a stock 980. A 980Ti however scores ~30fps higher than a 780Ti

I cannot justify the cost just yet as I don't really game, though Squad is very demanding... Maybe in May :)
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Ach, after a bit of thought decided to go for it. £529 and delivery in May, although I do expect a good few cancellations before that mmight bring the dates forward..
Thats how i did mine, as guest, it said complete but no email at all
Same here. Got to the order complete page with order number shown but not had a confirmation email yet and didn't see an option to create an account. Will ping their support tomorrow if I haven't had one by the time I get into work. Got my order in around 4:30pm.
It's a shame theres no UK distributor so you guys aren't been stung on prices so much.

No way am I paying up that amount of cash for one. I'll wait for > gen2 and a price drop.
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