It has! I spent a good few hours in it last night. Played a short burst of elite dangerous and the rest in big screen with a niel who also got his yesterday.
Firstly, this is the future. Secondly, I wish the resolution was higher by just a little bit.
Elite dangerous was amazing. There was a point where I wiggled my joystick (ooh err) while watching my in game arm wiggle the joystick, and it actually felt like that was my arm I was looking at. Like 100%. Flying out into space actually felt like I was inside a ship, and space was outside. The depth perception is just perfect. Just mind blowing. Did have a bit of dizziness while flying around in combat in a cobra, but it actually wasn't too bad so I think I'll get used to that.
Big screen beta was also really fun. The sense of presence with each other is quite weird. When you hear someone else join the room and you both look over your shoulder to see who it is. It's just weird, but in a very cool way. This random dude joined and was showing me this game he was playing that was animated in clay.
Big screen was the only time the resolution started to bug me though, because reading text on my virtual screen was pretty difficult, especially as it is scaled to 1440p size. Like if I opened a folder of movies, the file names were a real bugger to read and required a lot of leaning in and squinting no matter how big my screen was and with the supersampling right up. So basically don't expect to spend all day using your pc from inside a virtual desktop because it's just not as comfortable. It is, however, a lot of fun when you aren't reading text. We played a game of Mount your friends together inside it and it was really fun, and actually we spent a good couple hours sitting in various rooms, or in space, just chatting with various randoms and experimenting with it.
I should point out that I had no problems at all reading text in elite and the screen door effect was not distracting at all in game, so it's not a deal breaker and might be more software dependent than I thought it might be.
The other thing I tried was the demo that oculus plays when you first set up, and I am not ashamed to say I was genuinely frightened when the t Rex roared in my face. You just can't shake the feeling of being there despite knowing it's not real. That's how good it is!
So in general, very good, absolute game changer. It will, however, be much better when the resolution gets high enough to make everything sharp so that text reading is more comfortable. That is going to be amazing.
So the verdict: no regrets buying it at all, and I am definitely looking forwards to spending more time with it this weekend! But if you want a perfect experience in terms of sharpness, you'll need to wait a couple years.