Oculus Rift

Hi guys,

As a bedridden, disabled PC enthusiast, would the OR be suitable/immersive? I know that it can be used with a controller and as I am disabled I would not be able to use the touch controls.

So it would be OR and the controller. Would the 'wow' factor still be there? Im interested in the 'world' simulators and meditation stuff, but am not sure if plans to support games with just a controller are continuing now.

I'd love to use the touch, but there is no way with my disability.

Thanks guys!
Not quite sure what you can and can't use.
Did you say you can use an xbox controller just not the touch controllers?
If so, I think you'll manage to find many wow moments with just the xbox ones.

Maybe it's best to find someone with one you can borrow to see if it's even worth the outlay?
It's quite an big investment if just for meditation and simulators.
Hi GBRusty,

I could use an xbox controller. If its resting on my lap. I guess I could 'use' the touch controllers but only if they rested on my lap which defies the point!

Unfortunately cannot leave the house so I cannot test-although that would have course be ideal. No one I know owns one.

Yea its a big investment, but I can't go out in the real world anymore so it is a way of experiencing things. I think VR has a huge potential for disabled users, Im just not sure where it is at atm.
There are some great sitting experiences that only require a controller to use, things like Lucky Tales, Edge of Nowhere, Mountain Goat, Darknet and Chronos are a few, there is also a great pinball game which VR adds to quite nicely.

Have a search for those titles and see what you think.

If you can use a HOTAS setup then Elite Dangerous gives an amazing sense of scale but does require a large investment of time.
Hi SupraWez,

Thats good to hear-thanks. The Oculus store actually looks really good, though the Facebook affiliation does put me off. Not much can be done about that though :D

I guess im just wondering if the wow from vr can be experienced with just a controller. Apparently that seems so-thanks!
Definitely. I've had a google cardboard and the DK2 both of which never had 'touch' controllers and they wowed me enough to buy the full version (actually a Vive).

Does anyone know if Google Earth works in the Rift and if it can be controlled with an xbox controller?
If it does, that is an excellent way to travel aroud the world without leaving the house.
Google earth was recently released on Oculus Rift officially through the store but uses the touch controllers.

Just thought of another game that is great with the controller, Final Approach as actually very entertaining once you get the hang of it :D
Thanks guys-really appreciate it. I have hopped onboard and hopefully it will be good. Mainly laid back experiences and video, but hopefully if my health improves other more intense games. Hopefully my 1080 will be able to run some supersampling, but I have no idea. :)

Does anyone know if the touch controllers need to be moved around for touch games exclusively? Or if they are a requirement just because of the layout-thus allowing me to use them on my lap? Im guessing its obviously the former...
Thanks SupraWez. I expect I will be asking many questions, but I will research first as usual.

When it comes to sensor placement, as I am bedridden I use a table (like a hospital table) that has my monitor on and the table can slide under the bed so the monitor can be directly infront. Hopefully that should work fine?

Its easier for me to have the table off to the left hand side of the bed at 45degree angle, but Im guessing this wont work with having the sensor there (I'd therefore be looking forward and the sensor would be 45degree off to the left). I presume the sensor is needed directly in front?
Nope, I have my sensors off to the side, with standard Rift you get one sensor and mine is sat off to the side of my monitor at roughly head level when sat down, works great for head tracking.

The touch controllers include another sensor, this was installed on the opposite side but higher up looking down, gives great coverage for what I need.
Thats great-I did not realise that. Very helpful. Apparently setup is a breeze compared to the Vive (I guess as its less conplex with roomscale) so that sould be good.

Im hoping there will be a first person rpg that can use the xbox controller at somepoint. Chronos looks awesome, but a first person experience would be cool. I think there is one for the vive on steam, cannot remember the name.

EDIT* Vanishing Realms
First person can make some people feel very sick, you will have try different games to see how you get on, your eyes telling your brain your moving but other senses not agreeing can be quite off putting sometimes, this is not an issue for other views, ie sat in cockpit like Elite Dangerous, or viewing from the sidelines like Lucky Tales and Chronos.

If your interested in trying a first person style then look at Dead Halls, its a jumpy horror but the first person movement style makes me feel quite sick.

Its also worth noting, anything you buy on Oculus Store is none refundable, its in the small print sadly, if you want to try something its sometimes better to check if its available via Steam if thinking of returning it.
First person can make some people feel very sick, you will have try different games to see how you get on, your eyes telling your brain your moving but other senses not agreeing can be quite off putting sometimes, this is not an issue for other views, ie sat in cockpit like Elite Dangerous, or viewing from the sidelines like Lucky Tales and Chronos.

If your interested in trying a first person style then look at Dead Halls, its a jumpy horror but the first person movement style makes me feel quite sick.

Its also worth noting, anything you buy on Oculus Store is none refundable, its in the small print sadly, if you want to try something its sometimes better to check if its available via Steam if thinking of returning it.

I think the sensitivity to motion sickness is very much a personal thing, cockpit I'm mostly fine but I have to close my eyes if I spin and go backwards as that weirds me out massively. The side scrolling of lucky's tale really screwed me up as well and I felt quite odd afterwards. I haven't really tried a FPS game, but I think the rapid direction changes and spinning around would probably effect me.
First person can make some people feel very sick, you will have try different games to see how you get on, your eyes telling your brain your moving but other senses not agreeing can be quite off putting sometimes, this is not an issue for other views, ie sat in cockpit like Elite Dangerous, or viewing from the sidelines like Lucky Tales and Chronos.

If your interested in trying a first person style then look at Dead Halls, its a jumpy horror but the first person movement style makes me feel quite sick.

Its also worth noting, anything you buy on Oculus Store is none refundable, its in the small print sadly, if you want to try something its sometimes better to check if its available via Steam if thinking of returning it.

Yea I have read about this and it concerns me a little, my condition does not make me feel great at the best of times so I will definately have to stick to the 'comfortable' or maybe 'moderate' type games.

Jumpy horrors are the absolute worst thing I could possibly play haha :D

Batman VR seems cool, and the ones that were listed above.

Good to know about the Oculus store, Steam have been pretty good on refund policy before for me.
Does anyone know if there is a game like robo recall or a wave shooter but using the controller? I understand this would be much less immersive but might be feasible for me. Robo recall looks awesome.
Does anyone know if there is a game like robo recall or a wave shooter but using the controller? I understand this would be much less immersive but might be feasible for me. Robo recall looks awesome.

It's worth getting the Rift/vive, even if it is just to look at things!! The experience is awesome.

Would you be able to hold the controllers? Hold them enough to twist and turn them even if you can't actually lift them?
It's worth getting the Rift/vive, even if it is just to look at things!! The experience is awesome.

Would you be able to hold the controllers? Hold them enough to twist and turn them even if you can't actually lift them?

Hi melmac,

Thanks for the comment, thats kind of what I was hoping for. Yes I would be able to do that. Its just lifting that I could not do.
Cool, well, I will do a test for you and see if it's possible to play robo recall without actually lifting the touch controllers. You might not get the best scores ever but even to be able to play it a little would still be awesome!! :)
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