Oculus Rift

Just keep in mind the date of the posts.


Hi Shaiya Coprez—the information shown during setup from Oculus Home represents our current recommendation. This post was published back in January, before we had updated our software to officially support three sensors. Thanks for bringing the discrepancy to our attention—we hope this helps to clarify!
Reply · Apr 28, 2017 10:12pm

I find it hard to understand how poor the support blogs are and indeed the Oculus store itself considering the amount of money available.
Folks, so I got the inateck card, connected two sensors and the headset to it, but it wont run at usb 3 with all 3. Only the headset.

Does this sound right? Is it not possible to run all 3 devices off one inateck card?
Or am I going to have to split between my mobo USB 3 and the inateck usb 3?
Move your HMD to the motherboard, even USB 2 is fine for that. The Inateck doesn't have the bandwidth to handle them all as it's a single controller and the sensors are very demanding.
Ah really? Ok thanks folks, I thought it was going to be ok to run everything off the single PCI card...
You sure about this folks?

Also is there anyway to find out if the Inateck is getting juice from the PSU? (just to make sure I connected the SATA power cable into the PCIE correctly etc?
Also is there anyway to find out if the Inateck is getting juice from the PSU? (just to make sure I connected the SATA power cable into the PCIE correctly etc?

Not that I'm aware, but if you did install the drivers (get yourself the Oculus Tray Tool for the registry fixes for these drivers) I believe that software would warn if it can't meet power requirements.
Well, I made a really nice video of the VR covers, but for some reason my webcam software didn't record the audio. My missus is working on an essay for her masters so I'm being told off for talking too loud, so you are welcome to a silent movie if you want it, or else I can re-record another time.
Silent movie please :)

Ok 2 sensors running of the inateck and headset off the mobo.
All USB 3.

Now concerning the registry tweak in Oculus, do I really have to apply this?

How the hell can I make sure the Oculus tool is NOT applying SS? I want that to be set by the game I'm using.

E: I really need to RTFM.

"Set Super Sampling: This value sets the Super Sampling to be applied when Oculus Home starts. This value will also carry over to any game/application that you do not have a profile for. You can also use this to change SS while in a game. Note that you will need to restart the game for the new value to be applied. Setting super sampling with this tool will override any setting set in-game. If a game has the option to set SS, OTT will override that value. In case you want to use the built-in SS you need to either set Super Sampling on the main GUI to 0 or set it to 0 in the games profile. "
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Silent movie please :)

Ok 2 sensors running of the inateck and headset off the mobo.
All USB 3.

Now concerning the registry tweak in Oculus, do I really have to apply this?

How the hell can I make sure the Oculus tool is NOT applying SS? I want that to be set by the game I'm using.

Well, the debate earlier was whether to use the MS drivers (no oculus tray tool) or to use the speshul drivers (oculus tray tool then stops the ports going into sleep). It seemed from that thread like standard MS drivers were fine by most accounts. If you get disconnects then try the dedicated drivers and OTT. Less faff

Also, going to record audio over the silent video and upload it now.
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