Oculus Rift

6 May 2009
Sorry, its not 0. 0 is to re-center the head tracking. In controls you can change a key/button to view change though.

I find the some of the RSRBR added tracks/cars by default you are sat really far back in the car - like you are in the back. Making it hard to see over the steering wheel. I have to lean back and press 0 to re-center tracking

Either way, its a great game

Anyone found anything else good worth playing / testing?
15 Aug 2011
Sorry, its not 0. 0 is to re-center the head tracking. In controls you can change a key/button to view change though.

I find the some of the RSRBR added tracks/cars by default you are sat really far back in the car - like you are in the back. Making it hard to see over the steering wheel. I have to lean back and press 0 to re-center tracking

Either way, its a great game

Anyone found anything else good worth playing / testing?

I bought World Of Diving for £8 from Kinguin, actually very very good on the OR. Running direct is a bit messed up at the moment though, only got 15fps, extended mode gave me 65-90 fps with everything up fully.

The first time I swam near a shark, I nearly wet myself :)
12 Jan 2004
I dont think direct works in anything yet does it? Still waiting on a good wwii flight sim! Dont want to spend loads of money on WT because im not sure theyre going to fix their issues and quite frankly youll get spanked by everyone right now, have big hopes for BOS!
6 May 2009
Thanks re numpad to adjust the camera in RBR
I did look at world of diving but went with Discovering Space instead.

Devlish - no re direct mode. Just set extended with Rift as the right monitor. Works fine in most games / tech demos
9 Mar 2010
I dont think direct works in anything yet does it? Still waiting on a good wwii flight sim! Dont want to spend loads of money on WT because im not sure theyre going to fix their issues and quite frankly youll get spanked by everyone right now, have big hopes for BOS!

While a bit of a pain to get working (and you NEED an Nvidia card) DCS is free to try and you get WW2 planes.

Give it a shot.

Also things are changing daily with the Rift as more developers spend more time with their projects. There's actually quite a few that work in Direct mode now but it's really inconsequential as you can easily mirror what's being displayed in extended mode with OBS (https://obsproject.com/)

Quick question, whats the consensus on CV1 being powered by a single 970?

Technically it's going to work, but realistically I wouldn't buy a PC NOW with the intention of it working the best with the CV1.

1) We don't have a time frame for the CV1
2) Oculus are in direct comms with Nvidia and AMD so new cards could be getting made specifically with VR improvements in mind

and, as always, you have that "PC problem" where no matter what you get there will always be SOMETHING you can't run.

Key thing to remember is that even with the DK2 the 1080p resolution isn't identical to just running a game at 1080p on your monitor. For starters it's 3D, so everything is rendered twice and two, keeping a minimum refresh rate of 75fps is ESSENTIAL.

Not a "oh no, I noticed a tear because I had vsync turned off and it dipped below 60fps for half a second". If your frame rate drops below 75fps, at 2x1080p for half a second every minute of gameplay, I'm willing to be that after 10 minutes you couldn't carry on. It's so noticeable, and so jarring in VR that it really makes you feel sick, super quick.

Then of course remember that the spec that is more likely for CV1 is going to be a 1440p screen at 90Hz minimum.

So yeah my two cents is that, yes a GTX970 will work, and likely work well for a couple of games - but it's not going to be particularity future proof.
20 Oct 2004
The CV1 as you say will be 1440p, I assume it will be possible to change the res to 1080 though? For us who don't want to splash £800+ at VR?
9 Mar 2010
Anyone tried Vorpx for the OR yet?

Seems they state that they can get quite a few games working..


Yeah, don't expect anything revolutionary though. As these games aren't designed with VR in mind it's never as good as it can be. I've yet to find a game I would willingly show to anyone that hasn't tried VR before.

The CV1 as you say will be 1440p, I assume it will be possible to change the res to 1080 though? For us who don't want to splash £800+ at VR?

Technically yes, but then you're back to DK2 levels of quality. While the DK2 is fantastic, compelling, experience - it's still not an experience that I'd willing put myself through for any length of time. Struggling to read text, fighting "pixels" (game assets that are too small/far away to make out any detail) and the screen door effect combine to make it great for demos and short stints, but anything more than 30 minutes is a bit of a chore.

Saying that, a native resolution of the screen that's higher than 1080p but displaying a 1080p image would likely still be an prominent - and as more games come out that are "made for VR" the "fighting pixels" problem will likely be less common.

But again, don't buy now based on a product that isn't even out yet - there's just no point. Put your £300 into a savings account and buy whatever fits that price point when you're also ready to buy a CV1.

EDIT: Also as with anything, with the CV1 I'd consider yourself an early adopter of VR. Early adopters of 4K tele's were having to spend £6K... Consider yourself pretty fortunate that you could be an early adopter of VR and buy the first version of the device, and get something working pretty well, for £1K. That genuinely seems like good value to me...
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9 Mar 2010
What's the delivery time on these at the moment..if I ordered one today any idea when I would see it?

I could be totally wrong (but it's impossible to even guess either way) but at this point, if you don't have one, don't buy one.

It's predicted to be coming out in 2015. Even if it's the later half, unless you've got money burning a hole in your pocket I'd just wait it out.

Anyway, for those of you WITH a DK2, get your hands on Elite Dangerous and install the Elite Dangerous Voice Pack :D


It works with Voice Attack so that in addition to doing regular in game button presses it adds responses. E.g. "Set power to 25%" - "Yes captain, setting power to 25%".

It's also got a wee "galactic dictionary" so you can ask it arbitrary questions like "what is FTL" and it goes on to explain what faster than light speed is.
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30 Oct 2011
What's everyone playing at the moment?

A new version of Retro Arcade was released yesterday including SNES emulator - it's amazing!

Will start playing elite properly once it's released and I've got a wheel coming to play Assetto Corsa.
6 May 2009
Key thing to remember is that even with the DK2 the 1080p resolution isn't identical to just running a game at 1080p on your monitor. For starters it's 3D, so everything is rendered twice and two, keeping a minimum refresh rate of 75fps is ESSENTIAL.

Not a "oh no, I noticed a tear because I had vsync turned off and it dipped below 60fps for half a second". If your frame rate drops below 75fps, at 2x1080p for half a second every minute of gameplay, I'm willing to be that after 10 minutes you couldn't carry on. It's so noticeable, and so jarring in VR that it really makes you feel sick, super quick.

Then of course remember that the spec that is more likely for CV1 is going to be a 1440p screen at 90Hz minimum.

So yeah my two cents is that, yes a GTX970 will work, and likely work well for a couple of games - but it's not going to be particularity future proof.

This is very true. Plus the CV1 may be 1440p @120hz. If this is the case and double fps is required for VR (which I find is true, or almost double) then CV1 will be extremely demanding.

E.g. games need to run at 150fps to maintain 75hz @ 1080p. Alien Isolation on my machine can achieve this with a couple of dropped settings. As soon as you dip below 75hz (~120fps) everything starts to judder and sort of bounce making you feel sick. Not 10 minutes, more like 10 seconds

I calculated that 1440p @ 120ghz, so 1440p @ 240fps is equivalent to playing a game in 1080p at ~600fps. Good luck with that on future games.

I did think about selling my DK2 but then I tried Richard Burns rally again and thought. NO :D

I now have most if not all games/demos running pretty well. Some of the simple games like Laserface and Motorbike - https://share.oculus.com/app/motorbike are really fun. Minecraft (Minecrift) is also very immersive and runs great

Games on left, top right 'simulators' bottom right tech demos.
12 Jan 2004
Still waiting for that killer combat flight sim experience myself. There are obviously limitations to the DK2 but I would murder for a cockpit experience fully immersive as only the DK2 can do. Everything im doing currently is a workaround.
27 Apr 2011
Still waiting for that killer combat flight sim experience myself. There are obviously limitations to the DK2 but I would murder for a cockpit experience fully immersive as only the DK2 can do. Everything im doing currently is a workaround.

Dev what workarounds do you mean? I'm using the DK2 occasionally in WT and DCS, apart from the lack of res do you find any other issues? Just curious as to whether there is anything that can make it better
19 Oct 2004
This is very true. Plus the CV1 may be 1440p @120hz. If this is the case and double fps is required for VR (which I find is true, or almost double) then CV1 will be extremely demanding

The Rift uses 1 screen with lenses on different parts, it doesn't have to render twice!!!

Does anyone know when the CV1 is due out - around the release of DX12 maybe??
2 Nov 2013
The Rift uses 1 screen with lenses on different parts, it doesn't have to render twice!!!

It has two perspectives though, so it does have to do things twice.

Hopefully 1440p at 75+Hz will be a bit easier by late next year. That's maybe why it's taken so long.
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