Oculus Rift

19 Dec 2010
I wouldn't expect sales to be rising after the headsets have been out for two and a half years.
It wouldn't surprise me if prospective buyers are hanging on for new tech like Pimax or even a Rift/Vive sequel at this point.
There's also the issue of having a PC powerful enough to run VR well. We all know that PC gaming is a relatively niche market and that high end PC users are an even smaller segment of that. And all the rest.

Brilliant post!!

I am not losing out on anything, if anything I well benefit. I have been putting of Elite Dangerous and when I do play it not only will the game have been improved via patches but the headset will be better so I will get a better experience which in turn means more and better fun. I find with games delaying the experience more often then not give you a better experience and more fun.

Rubbish post. Pure and utter drivel.

Since we're playing the selective quote game...

Come on now...

DK1/DK2 are dev kits that people could purchase. You know this.
GO is basically a jazzed up GearVR.
Quest is a jazzed up GO, and not even out yet.
The Vive Pro doesn't qualify as second gen. It just has slightly better screens and can use a bigger playspace with the slightly upgraded sensors. As bigmike syas, it's barely v1.5 if that.

Going back to the 90's? Really?

Are we really gonna descend into this kind of uber pedantry to try and win points?

It isn't true that it's your loss for not being able to have a good time while other people are? Ok then...
As for it not being able to provide positives... Just LOL

Great come back and a better response then I would ever be able to write. You have more patience than me!! :p
22 Jul 2012
Patience is a new thing for me... :o

This reminds me of those religous types that go on about judgement day and basically want the world to end so they can say I told you I was right.

Maybe from a hardware perspective, but from a user experience perspective Go has revolutionized low-end VR. The idea was to provide a frictionless experience, where you can just stick it on your head and you are in VR, and it does this really well. You don't even need headphones, the built-in spatial audio is very good.

Oculus have the stats to prove that unlike the Gear VR, where users tend to play with it a bit then leave it gathering dust, Go owners use the headset regularly and there is continual engagement with the device.

This bodes well for the Quest which will do the same thing for 6DOF. Grab the hand controls, put on the headset and you're in VR. No wires, no PC, no headphones needed. Do not underestimate how well this will bring VR to the masses. I'm really looking forward to it.

I'm not underestimating it at all :)

Don't get me wrong, I think products like Go and Quest are a good introduction to VR. Quest especially is looking like an excellent middle ground between Go/GearVR types and full blown PC based VR.
Like I said in another post elsewhere, I've seena lot of people new to VR using the Go in Bigscreen, and products like that and Quest are making VR more accessible. This a great thing.
People are sitting out on their porch watching movies with us for example. That's pretty cool.

When I say a jazzed up GearVR, I don't mean that the Go is a pile of crap. It's just a very limited device that's basically an improved all in one version of the phone VR type headsets, that also has the same content library as GearVR - with a few exceptions.

Perhaps my wording was at fault and I'll retract my 'jazzed up Go' statement. It looks like a really good bit of kit for those not on PC. It'll be interesting to see how it does.

I remember a thread where someone was looking to buy a Rift and I said something along the lines of 'It's probably best if you have an existing interest like flight/race sims for example', as you may find it to be a novelty that wears off after a while if you don't find something that hooks you, or a genre you're already into.
I hope Quest users find that certain something and that they get a good catalogue of titles.
16 Jul 2010
How is this different from what we have now :p

I've had loads of trouble running OCULUS.EXE. I can't free enough base memory, even though I've run memmaker and used the smallest sized MOUSE.EXE program I can find. I'm going to try removing my CD ROM driver from CONFIG.SYS to see if that helps. I just hope it's soundblaster compatible when I do get it running! :p
29 May 2006
Been offline a week.

“Rubbish post. Pure and utter drivel.”
Just because you do not understand something it does not mean its rubbish drivel. The majority of games I play are 2 years after the release date as I find that tends to give a vastly improved play experience which in turn means improved fun. There are exceptions the game I am working though right now I waited 1 year before playing and even that offers a massively improved play experience over playing right away. The same applies to VR games those of us who wait tend to get a superior more fun play experience.

I am not losing out on fun by doing this. The opposite in fact, as I end up with an improved play experience. Take Elite, by waiting I will end up with a vastly improved experience compared to what I would have had by jumping in early. There are exceptions but in my experience more often than not waiting is the best approach to maximize fun and minimize problems.

Going back to the 90's? Really?
Are we really gonna descend into this kind of uber pedantry to”
No one is playing selecting quoting and it’s not pedantry or trying to win points it’s about showing a reasonable and balanced viewpoint over your overhyped posts. I find you are painting an unrealistic view of VR and andy91 viewpoint is far more reasonable and realistic.

Try looking at it from my point of view which is I first started with VR games over 20 years ago. I have seen generation after generation of improvements. Even if for some strange reason you are going to ignore the past and start counting 1st gen as almost 3 years ago then even today we have superior headsets with better screens, bigger plays space, upgraded sensors then we had back then. I do not understand how you can pretend we are still on 1st gen technology. The mobile headsets are of note as they are massively improved over the 1st gen mobile headsets and I use 1st gen with a large pinch of salt. Some of the mobile headsets have 2 or 3 generations in the past few years.

While we are still many years away from VR going mainstream you are acting like VR is new and just out of the gate, it’s not we got past that stage a long time ago.
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22 Jul 2012
Can you specifically quote the 'unrealistic and overhyped' points I've made?

I've repeatedly said that it isn't perfect, and that those of us that ARE having a good time are aware of it's faults. Whereas the pair of you seem to be essentially complaining about it not being perfect and focusing on nothing but the areas that you find to be lacking.
In Andy's case, his blanket absolute opinion is a kneejerk response based on ONE game that he tried briefly...

Complaints about FOV and godrays etc are perfectly valid. We all want better, which is why we're excited about stuff like Pimax and whatever comes next.
If these kind of things are dealbreakers and make it unplayable for you, then fine. Just stop acting like everyone else should have the same opinion.

You seem to be dedicated to finding anything that even vaguely supports your negativity, just like the only reason you started posting in here was because you were glad to find a kindred spirit in Andy's original post. Misery loves company and all that.
I'll also reiterate that you clearly suffer from confirmation bias.

What exactly are you hoping to achieve here? Why not do what you say and just keep waiting until VR is exactly what you want it to be, instead of trying to bring everyone down with you?
At the end of the day, it's your opinion and your problem. Should we stop enjoying ourselves because you can't? Right now, you really are the guy in that cartoon.

As for you and Andy's 'reasonable and balanced' points:

I expected something at least as sharp as what you see on a monitor screen when playing games
We would need 8k screens with at least 180 field of view horizontally and 50 degrees vertically that runs at 140hz on OLED screens. This would need to small and lite like putting on a pair goggles and would have to do all this wireless. And still be relatively low cost to the consumer.
its only really good for cockpit or racing games.
Even if the VR headset is wireless you couldn't walk and run around a room without bumping into things..... So basically all you can really do is stand in one place and look around and run on the spot waving your arms around like an idiot
we couldn’t be having a good time as the system isn’t able to provide us the positives

Seriously, just go do something else for the next ten or so years.

I'm not saying saying the current VR gen is the first gen of VR that's ever existed. I'm saying it's the first real PC based, consumer oriented gen.
Prior to the Rift and Vive's entry, there was nothing even close to them and their associated support and software available for PC users.
I couldn't give a toss about mobile devices.
29 May 2006
“What exactly are you hoping to achieve here?”
A realistic balanced view.

“You seem to be dedicated to finding anything that even vaguely supports your negativity, just like the only reason you started posting in here was because you were glad to find a kindred spirit in Andy's original post. Misery loves company and all that.
I'll also reiterate that you clearly suffer from confirmation bias.”
Well you are wrong I am not dedicated to negatively. You’re the one that is suffering from confirmation bias big time. You should take a step back and look at your own posts and the way you react when people says things that go outside your bias. You keep belittling posts that fall outside your stance. It’s like you cannot accept people are not finding VR as amazing as you and so you are coming up with ways to write off those peoples posts even when they are valid or partly valid.

My posts are not about negativity but being realistic. I didn’t just start posting here because of Andys posts and Andys post on the whole is not wrong either.

“As for you and Andy's 'reasonable and balanced' points:”
I find most of his points reasonable and balanced. Like Andy I find the on the whole the games that work well are the cockpit style games or the games where you act like a cockpit and don’t move from the spot. Like a lot of people I find once you start moving around on foot the games don’t really work or becoming gimmicky. I also find that once you have to move around you have to give up or go to a very simple interface which makes for simple dumbed down games which I do not enjoy. Sure some people like those moving around games but just as many if not more do not.

Now the cockpit style games with complicated interfaces. Sitting inside a Mech, as a bridge commander or in a car/spaceship is fantastic and is where VR excels for me. The wondering around, wavering my arms about with basic interfaces is not my idea of gaming for fun. Plus the early headsets are just not good enough yet and while you can have fun on those headsets many of us find the headsets are subtracting from the experience and fun we could be having.

“Can you specifically quote the 'unrealistic and overhyped' points I've made?”
It’s more the way you belittle what you see that isn’t in your view positive. It feels like we can only post positive hype or you have to attack the post.

“At the end of the day, it's your opinion and your problem. Should we stop enjoying ourselves because you can't? Right now, you really are the guy in that cartoon.”
It’s not my problem and it’s not my loss. I am not remotely like the guy in the cartoon but you are. You’re the guy in the first picture, the one that has the inferior play experience and lower level of fun. Which is fine if you are happy with that but stop acting like the rest of us should be. We are not losing out by waiting we are benefitting by waiting till the right moment. It’s the same principle as with the none VR games. Those of us that wait often end up with a better experience that is more fun.

Put your question another way. Why should we accept an inferior play experience just because you are happy with that? You can rush, but I will go for the better overall experience.

“In Andy's case, his blanket absolute opinion is a kneejerk response based on ONE game that he tried briefly...”
Accept it’s not, that’s you wrongly writing off his viewpoint. He didn’t just try one game, he didn't have a kneejerk reaction based on one briefly played game and the problem he described wasn’t because the game is misconfigured.
19 Dec 2010
Been offline a week.

Just because you do not understand something it does not mean its rubbish drivel. The majority of games I play are 2 years after the release date as I find that tends to give a vastly improved play experience which in turn means improved fun. There are exceptions the game I am working though right now I waited 1 year before playing and even that offers a massively improved play experience over playing right away. The same applies to VR games those of us who wait tend to get a superior more fun play experience.

I am not losing out on fun by doing this. The opposite in fact, as I end up with an improved play experience. Take Elite, by waiting I will end up with a vastly improved experience compared to what I would have had by jumping in early. There are exceptions but in my experience more often than not waiting is the best approach to maximize fun and minimize problems.

No one is playing selecting quoting and it’s not pedantry or trying to win points it’s about showing a reasonable and balanced viewpoint over your overhyped posts. I find you are painting an unrealistic view of VR and andy91 viewpoint is far more reasonable and realistic.

Try looking at it from my point of view which is I first started with VR games over 20 years ago. I have seen generation after generation of improvements. Even if for some strange reason you are going to ignore the past and start counting 1st gen as almost 3 years ago then even today we have superior headsets with better screens, bigger plays space, upgraded sensors then we had back then. I do not understand how you can pretend we are still on 1st gen technology. The mobile headsets are of note as they are massively improved over the 1st gen mobile headsets and I use 1st gen with a large pinch of salt. Some of the mobile headsets have 2 or 3 generations in the past few years.

While we are still many years away from VR going mainstream you are acting like VR is new and just out of the gate, it’s not we got past that stage a long time ago.

Been offline all week, came back, wrote more drivel. Well done. At least you are consistent.
19 Dec 2010
Can you specifically quote the 'unrealistic and overhyped' points I've made?.

Waste of time mate, Read his post, he is basically telling you, you shouldn't be enjoying yourself and he is enjoying himself more by not playing now and only playing when the technology is perfect. Pure waffle.
25 Oct 2002
Sarf Lahndahn
Put your question another way. Why should we accept an inferior play experience just because you are happy with that?

You shouldn't. Just stop.

Didn't want to pitch into this discussion because everything you're saying is subjective and everyone is allowed an opinion, but I can't resist :)

Vive and Oculus are the first-gen consumer VR. They just are.

I started with Rift thinking I'd play sit-down games. Luckily I have a large room as it quickly became obvious that freedom of movement is the real MSP of VR. Hell, I've learned to play ping-pong in the real world using VR. Yeah, that's anecdotal, but given the wealth of roomscale-related chat I've seen, I think most VR users are realising the same.

Elite was an amazing VR experience on the first day of public Beta. It's not got any better or worse as a VR experience since that day, they've simply added more in-game features that apply equally regardless of whether you play on a monitor or in VR. So you absolutely have been missing out there. No point arguing there either.

And I love VR. I couldn't care less about God Rays, screen door or any of that stuff. I put the headset on and I'm transported to another place. It'll get better, sure, but it's amazing now. It just is. Lots of people know this.
23 Nov 2013
@Pottsey i have to ask, why on Earth are you even here? We all get it, you don’t like this generation of VR, that’s fine, nobody is forcing to go out and buy something you don’t want or even like, but the thing is, we do enjoy VR in it current state, is it perfect? Nope, there are draws backs with every single HMD no matter which company you buy from, the cable gets on my nerves, the battery in my Oculus Touch controllers die to fast, I had nightmare setting up my sensors, my girlfriend hates the cables around in the living room, the resolution is lower than I would ideally like, and during the hot summer we had this year VR was unplayable due to the heat inside my Rift, but despite all these faults Pottsey, i LOVE VR right now, I mostly played FPS’s before I played VR, CoD Arma Battlefield DooM Quake, you name I likely played, but now? Nah, I want feel the tension, I want move my body behind cover, I want to know that I have to make every shot count because of I don’t I’m going to have to duck behind cover and manually reload my weapon. It’s the immersion, it’s the total immersion which VR brings to the table, I’m 35yrs old and have been gaming since the Atari days as a kid, and the first time a slapped the Rift on my head and loaded into RoboRecall was the most awe inspiring thing I have ever seen/felt in gaming, not the shooting, just holding a cup in my hand, and looking at it whilst looking around the room, I did that for ages, I was fully immersed in what I doing.

I have been reading your posts above, and I’ll be honest, you dont seem to have much a clue on what your talking about, you seem like you have reading out of date Reddit post and YouTube videos, you know when VR had no games and was completely overpriced, it deserved the negativity then, hell I was a sceptic when I saw the price of the Vive when it launched and then i looked at the games available.
But that was then, and this now, I have a back catalogue of games to play, and I couldn’t be happier with my purchase, VR’s future is bright and I can’t wait to see where it will be a I 5yrs time, let alone 15yrs time
22 Jul 2012
Lots of writing here, since we're not playing the selective quote game anymore.

A realistic balanced view.

Considering your view is that you can't enjoy it, the games are rubbish and you won't use it because it's inferior, yeah, no. Your view is far from balanced.
It's just that you seem to think your view is THE right view and is therefore realistic and balanced.

I'll ask again, what is your aim here? Your original answer is dodging the question somewhat.
Are you trying to put people off getting into VR because you don't think it's good enough?
If that's the case, then you and people like you are guilty of helping to bring about this doom that you're so adamant is happening.

EDIT: And before you claim that I just basically said that only positives are allowed, let me remind you that every time someone posts asking about what to buy, the advice they're given always mentions the up AND downsides of what's available, regardless of whether some posts are basically just gushing about how great it is.
People in this very conversation acknowledge those downsides too, including me.

Well you are wrong I am not dedicated to negatively. You’re the one that is suffering from confirmation bias big time. You should take a step back and look at your own posts and the way you react when people says things that go outside your bias. You keep belittling posts that fall outside your stance. It’s like you cannot accept people are not finding VR as amazing as you and so you are coming up with ways to write off those peoples posts even when they are valid or partly valid.

My posts are not about negativity but being realistic. I didn’t just start posting here because of Andys posts and Andys post on the whole is not wrong either.

No, your posts are nothing but negative and you did start this whole thing to agree with Andy, as your very first post in this particular conversation was to quote and agree with him "You're not alone" etc... Agreeing with him isn't the issue though. He's obviously entitled to his opinion, as are you.
It's just that you're only posting because he did, and like I said, misery loves company.

As said and explained, his opinion on certain aspects is premature - due to limited experience and knowledge - and perhaps a bit silly seeing as he'd already been disappointed with a brief go at a friend's and was then surprised again at being disappointed after buying his own.
I haven't dismissed and written off all of his or your criticisms and you know it.

Your idea of 'realistic and balanced' is questionable. It's your opinion that it's not 'good enough', just as it's Andy's subjective opinion that it's not worth the money.
Pretty much everyone else here would disagree based on their own positive experience, and most of us paid more than he did.
Who's right? You? Them? Both? Neither?

Views that fall outside my bias? What is my bias?
The way you carry on, it would appear that my stance is apparently "VR is perfect OMG amazing and you can't say anything bad about it" etc, when the reality is that I've REPEATEDLY acknowledged that it's not perfect, it does have failings and that things could and will be improved, and that we are are having fun DESPITE that, because it can and does offer a great experience.

You either fail at reading comprehension if you think I can't accept other people's views on what could be improved, or you're just seeing what you want to see, especially if you think "I can't accept it if people don't think it's amazing as I do".
I suggest you take a step back and re-read what's been said, as you're dead wrong.

I find most of his points reasonable and balanced. Like Andy I find the on the whole the games that work well are the cockpit style games or the games where you act like a cockpit and don’t move from the spot. Like a lot of people I find once you start moving around on foot the games don’t really work or becoming gimmicky. I also find that once you have to move around you have to give up or go to a very simple interface which makes for simple dumbed down games which I do not enjoy. Sure some people like those moving around games but just as many if not more do not.

Now the cockpit style games with complicated interfaces. Sitting inside a Mech, as a bridge commander or in a car/spaceship is fantastic and is where VR excels for me. The wondering around, wavering my arms about with basic interfaces is not my idea of gaming for fun. Plus the early headsets are just not good enough yet and while you can have fun on those headsets many of us find the headsets are subtracting from the experience and fun we could be having.

So we're basically back to you complaining about it not meeting your standards again, although it is nice to hear that there are some things you actually do like after you've said "we couldn’t be having a good time as the system isn’t able to provide us the positives even if we ignored the negatives.."
When you say moving around on foot, are you talking about full locomotion first person stuff, or are you talking about physically moving around the room? Can you give any examples of specific games?

"The fun we could be having"? What exactly are you comparing it to? Have you travelled to the future and played with their fancy VR headsets, or we back to imagining the perfect VR system that doesn't exist and complaining because the current ones aren't that?

It’s more the way you belittle what you see that isn’t in your view positive. It feels like we can only post positive hype or you have to attack the post.
So you can't quote any posts that support your accusation that I'm making unrealistic and overhyped claims.
Why? Because that never happened.

Again, your comprehension fails and it's your confirmation bias that's making you believe that only positives are allowed here.
If you feel like I'm attacking and belittling some of your posts and points, it's because a lot of what you're saying is laughable and perhaps it's you that has trouble accepting other opinions. It's honestly hard to not take the **** given the circumstances.

Just look at the other responses you're getting. Are they all wrong too? Oh wait, it's because they can't handle your balanced truth either, right?

It’s not my problem and it’s not my loss. I am not remotely like the guy in the cartoon but you are. You’re the guy in the first picture, the one that has the inferior play experience and lower level of fun. Which is fine if you are happy with that but stop acting like the rest of us should be. We are not losing out by waiting we are benefitting by waiting till the right moment. It’s the same principle as with the none VR games. Those of us that wait often end up with a better experience that is more fun.

You're not remotely like the guy who waits and complains, waits and complains? You're kidding yourself, as that's exactly what you're doing.
I'm having an inferior play experience and lower level of fun compared to what? The fantasy future VR you've invented in your head? Life's too short, mate. Have you been waiting and moaning about this since the 90's?

You're right about me being like the guy in the first pic, except that I'm the guy in every picture having fun with each subsequent gen improvement, while guys like you find ways to complain about nothing being good enough and have no fun whatsoever.
If you're fine with waiting, then do it and stop bugging other people with negative BS and mental gymnastics.
If it makes you feel smarter and better for waiting for your ideal thing and whatever else, then good for you. I sincerely hope you find happiness in VR one day.

Put your question another way. Why should we accept an inferior play experience just because you are happy with that? You can rush, but I will go for the better overall experience.

I'm not saying you should. I never did
I'm saying it's a shame that you can't enjoy it right now. And like it or not, it is your loss for not being able to have fun as things stand, but that's too bad. If it isn't for you right now... Ok.
You can wait all you like, I don't care. I'm having fun right now and will do so up to and on to the better overall experience when it arrives - and the one after that.

What will you be doing apart from getting older and more miserable during that time while convincing yourself that it's not your problem, it's not your loss and is in fact a good thing because at least you won't be suffering all that inferiority while waiting for Christmas to come?

Accept it’s not, that’s you wrongly writing off his viewpoint. He didn’t just try one game, he didn't have a kneejerk reaction based on one briefly played game and the problem he described wasn’t because the game is misconfigured.

It was one game. I asked repeatedly what others in the first person genre he had tried and he declined to answer.
He specifically said he tried it for 20mins and was done.
Yes, there was a specific setting causing the blurriness he described. It's switched on by default IIRC.
Yes, he probably would've got motion sick anyway. Most of us do and learn to get past it.
His other isssues were regarding the VR implementation in that game, not VR itself, although it does seem that he took that brief experience as a be all end all example of first person VR gaming and then went on to state that it's only suited to seated games because of that experience. You'll find of plenty of people here that will disagree with that.

I honestly don't know what you're reading if you think none of that happened and I don't know why I've had to repeat it for something like the third time.
You say it's none of those things, but you neglect to say what it actually was.
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17 Dec 2009
Why is this thread constantly filled with a guy trying to prove to everyone that his view of it being rubbish is the right view.

If you don't like it move on, make a thread of Var haters, but leave this one to people who actually enjoy VR.
16 Jul 2010
VR has spoiled normal gaming for me. I've been playing Fallout 4 VR for the last week, but noticed that Destiny 2 is now free, so I grabbed that and gave it a go.

It just seemed so flat. I really missed the sense of depth and scale of VR. Also I'm so used to aiming using motion controllers that it seems really weird to have my aim tied to where I'm looking.

Can't wait to jump back into VR tonight! I don't think Destiny 2 is going to get much of a look-in.
23 May 2006
VR has spoiled normal gaming for me. I've been playing Fallout 4 VR for the last week, but noticed that Destiny 2 is now free, so I grabbed that and gave it a go.

It just seemed so flat. I really missed the sense of depth and scale of VR. Also I'm so used to aiming using motion controllers that it seems really weird to have my aim tied to where I'm looking.

Can't wait to jump back into VR tonight! I don't think Destiny 2 is going to get much of a look-in.

so for now those kinds of games have not been ruined for me and i can still play.... but this is probably because i have not played many in VR.
my favourite games are elite kind of games, and car games.... for those, IF VR happens to fail i am stuffed as i just cannot play them on a screen any more.

i imagine once i pick up skyrim and FO4 VR then that will mean 1st person games are ruined as well.

I am dissapointed with the rumours coming out from oculus. if it is true that Brendan Iribe quit because they killed off his high end oculus rift 2 prototype and that instead they are going for an inside out tracking hmd instead then i am not sure where that leaves me to be honest.
16 Jul 2010
Yeah I'm not sure about the rumoured Rift-S. I can understand Oculus wanting to make VR affordable, and to simplify the Rift setup so you don't need sensor wires everywhere, but I like the sensor accuracy I get with 3 sensors. Depends if the rumour is true, and if so, if the resolution and other new features are enough to make the tracking compromise worth it.

Personally I'd prefer Rift-S/Rift 2 to be wireless. That's the killer feature for me.
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