Never played it on consoles but ones that come to mind that I played on PC which were popular but ran like plop for me were Ark, Ghost Recon Wildlands and Arkham Knight. At least down the road (a long way in some cases) eventually I was able to enjoy Wildlands and Arkham Knight, Ark never got into a position where I was able to enjoy it. But so many others did/do. One of the promising things about Dragons Dogma 2 I guess, is that despite the performance issues, many respected reviewers , like ACG/Fextralife etc, still say its a brilliant game. I can live with only hitting 60fps out and about and getting drops to 30-40 in a town if the game (most of which I assume is played in said out and about areas) is very good but then I do have a slightly higher tolerance for these things than some (looking at you Mr Worthabuy geezerPeople thought Dark Souls was the best thing since sliced bread, and that ran like absolute trash on the Xbox 360/PS3

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