****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

Yeah, I don't think it has PB enabled in the beta and as it's the Frostbite engine, I would guess there wasn't much modification involved with getting BFBC2 hacks to work.
its really fast paced without all the noobtubing or sniper fests of most common fps
Really? From what I've played I'd say the majority of my deaths have been from snipers, and it doesn't help that you're trying to pick people off with ironsights and they're running around with scopes. Game is pretty much everything I hate about modern FPS design.
Really? From what I've played I'd say the majority of my deaths have been from snipers, and it doesn't help that you're trying to pick people off with ironsights and they're running around with scopes. Game is pretty much everything I hate about modern FPS design.

yes you do get shot lots with sniper rifles but more so up close and personal, unlike say BC2 were camping is extremely common place and seems to be to everyones bane. I have different soldiers for each class and so far the M16 with a red-dot is far more satisfying and useful than the rifles on the recon class. The main difference with the sniper class in MoH compared to the other games out is you can actually fire the recon rifles off the hip effectively at close range, hence what you've probably experienced.

this game won't be for everyone but it's absolutely brilliant fun and I haven't wanted to touch BC2, BF2 or CoD since installing.
Just played this for the first time, and my god it's better than BC2. Got 12/5 on the map, top of my teams list, and 3 different awards.
The main difference with the sniper class in MoH compared to the other games out is you can actually fire the recon rifles off the hip effectively at close range, hence what you've probably experienced.
Nope, people sitting the other side of the map sniping people. Camping will be more of a problem in this game than BC2, especially with stupid kill streaks.
I don't know how anyone can complain about snipers in this game.
The starter rifle cannot have the long range scope put on it so it's not really anymore lethal than any other gun; it's two shots to kill or one headshot.

The single shot rifle can have the long range scope, but you still need a headshot for an instant kill.

In your opinions, is MoH worth getting?
Seems to be pretty mixed opinions so the only way to know is if you give it a go. Preorder it to get in the beta and if you don't like it, cancel.
Nah, it doesn't look as good as BC2, my laptop runs this easier than BC2, and there are hardly any destructible environments. Which brings me onto me next point, camping is worse in this game because you can use walls etc as shields too easily.

I might buy this just for something to have a blast with on my laptop, but I've gone back to BC2 and realising again just how good it is.
It really did look like awesome fun when they had people play it at E3. I've been disappointed to hear all the negative feedback. :(
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