****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

What bugs me is how quick beta has come... this game isn't supposed to be out until end of september.

Seems its being rushed out.

maybe they have learnt their lesson with BC2, the beta was released a week or so before full release iirc and it still has tons of bugs and problems ? ... having the beta now means they have months to fine tune it 'IF' they are planning the Sept release, however I suspect it might come sooner as I can't find an official release date.
What bugs me is how quick beta has come... this game isn't supposed to be out until end of september.
Seems its being rushed out.
That's because this is an actual beta and not just a demo disguised as a beta.

...'IF' they are planning the Sept release, however I suspect it might come sooner as I can't find an official release date.
Their own videos say October 12th as does the MOH website. Can't get much more official than that.
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Had an awesome game last night which was 6v6, and i rallied up 12/10 kills and 3rd on the score sheet. Sniper rifle/carbine in that game is overkill tbh.
maybe they have learnt their lesson with BC2, the beta was released a week or so before full release iirc and it still has tons of bugs and problems ? ... having the beta now means they have months to fine tune it 'IF' they are planning the Sept release, however I suspect it might come sooner as I can't find an official release date.

Dice's only involvement is multiplayer, the main game isn't Dice apparently and i'm hoping this doesn't screw up.
Had an awesome game last night which was 6v6, and i rallied up 12/10 kills and 3rd on the score sheet. Sniper rifle/carbine in that game is overkill tbh.

They need to either remove the semi auto ones completely, or have them with the same scopes available to the other guns. At the moment, they're not any different to the G3 in COD4 except you can have some mid range zoom on them.

There is no reason to use the single shot snipers atm as they're no more powerful than the semi auto's but take 5x longer to fire a second shot.
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Just thought I’d give you a short update on the game and our thought process. Thanks to all the good feedback we’ve received we have decided on some adjustments. We can’t say if and when this will make it into the beta, but it’s definitely going to be adjusted for the full game.

* Fix the freezing (of course). We’re working on this. Our top prio.
* Server browser (PC). This one needs bug fixes and some more features.
* Weapon recoil on PC. Yes. We will bring the recoil up on some of the weapons.
* Slightly more splash from grenades/explosives.
* We will tone down some of the “bling” when gaining score, especially the red band people have been mentioning.

This is not all of course. We are constantly making changes to the game but these were some issues where we are acting directly on your feedback. Please keep telling us what you like and don’t like about the game.

& regret it. Shocking first impressions :(

takes a little getting used to , I been just playing the helmund valley map and find that's a good game mode, you do have to give it a few hours to adjust and unlock the better scopes and ammo, then you can pwwnnn them back.

I went from scores like this


to scores like this after a few hours play

takes a little getting used to , I been just playing the helmund valley map and find that's a good game mode, you do have to give it a few hours to adjust and unlock the better scopes and ammo, then you can pwwnnn them back.

I went from scores like this


to scores like this after a few hours play


How does the game run, is it as bad as BC2?
How does the game run, is it as bad as BC2?

Runs rather slow compared to BC2 for me, dunno how the guy with the 8800 GTX plays at max settings, I certainly can't (My pc might be borked a little though).

My specs are i7 920 @ 4 GHz, 6 GB RAM, 280 GTX and X25 M's in Raid 0...
Graphically it is fine for me, not had any things popping out the ground like I get with BFBC2, I'd say I average about 80fps most the time, it's not as demanding on the graphics as BFBC2, onto gameplay, I don't like Kabul city ruins (if that's right) but I don't play squad deathmatch in BFBC2 as not really what I like, but Helmund Valley is pretty good map, and not so bottle necked either, a lot more flanking can be done in MOH (well in that one map it can lol)
& regret it. Shocking first impressions :(

You will struggle if you didn't play from the start of the beta. The weapons and add ons that people have unlocked now make it really unbalanced to the point where people will be able to snipe you with assault weapons. You won't be able to see where it came from either because of the way that the graphics have been done. Plus everyone has learned the maps so you're at a huge disadvantage already I'm afraid.
You will struggle if you didn't play from the start of the beta. The weapons and add ons that people have unlocked now make it really unbalanced to the point where people will be able to snipe you with assault weapons. You won't be able to see where it came from either because of the way that the graphics have been done. Plus everyone has learned the maps so you're at a huge disadvantage already I'm afraid.
That's almost exactly it! I'll persevere.
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